The Best Way To Reheat Frozen Mashed Potatoes And Bring Them Back To Life

Making up a big batch of mashed potatoes can be a great way to make dinners easier. Whether you're planning ahead for various holiday parties, or just planning to eat the starchy side dish as a complement to your weeknight dinners, the food pairs pretty well with quite a few different meals.

Once your potatoes have been prepared according to your personal preferences, and upgraded with some salt and butter, they can be easily frozen to preserve for future meals. Once the mix is cooled down, you can separate the potatoes into serving sizes and freeze for up to a month.

Fortunately, thawing out and reheating mashed potatoes is pretty simple, so they can be enjoyed as a side dish, added as a topping for some homemade shepherd's pie, or transformed to whip up some potato pancakes. Although they can simply be added into the microwave for a quick reheat, there are two methods that will ensure better-tasting potatoes. You can either reheat them on the stovetop, or add them into the slow cooker.

Low heat on the stovetop can revive the potatoes

Reheating your mashed potatoes can be a quick way to bring the side dish back to a warm temperature, and ensure the potatoes maintain a great texture. They can be added into a saucepan while partially thawed, or completely frozen. Once the potatoes are in the pan, you can cover it with a lid, and allow them to heat over a low temperature. You'll want to stir the potatoes occasionally, making sure that the bottom layer doesn't burn. When the potatoes have been warmed up, they're ready to eat as-is.

To make sure the potatoes are up to your standards, take a clean spoon and give them a small taste test. The freezing and reheating process may have changed the consistency a little bit, making the potatoes taste a little drier than you'd prefer. Fortunately, it's an easy fix. All you'll need to do is grab a little bit of milk, cream, or melted butter, and mix it in until it's fully combined with the potatoes. You can also add some extra flavoring in with some added seasonings, or some garlic. Then, they're ready to serve.

A slow cooker can keep the spuds warm

If you have the time to reheat your mashed potatoes in a slow cooker, the appliance can also be an excellent way to reheat the food. Prior to putting them in the slow cooker, you should transfer your frozen mashed potatoes into the fridge. This will allow them to thaw out gradually, while still retaining a cooler temperature to prevent any bacterial growth, per the USDA.

Then, once the potatoes are thawed but chilled, you can scoop them into the slow cooker. Turn the heat on low, and allow the potatoes to heat up for around 2 hours before serving. Remember: Timing is everything when cooking with a slow cooker. As an added bonus, they can stay in the slow cooker during dinner, which will keep them warm while they're being served to your dinner guests.

Whether you choose to reheat your frozen mashed potatoes on the stovetop or in a slow cooker, it's low and slow heat that will bring the spuds back to a smooth, creamy consistency.