Here's How To Freeze That Leftover Canned Crab Meat

Canned crab meat is a great quick meal that never skimps on taste, but what should you do with leftovers? Proper storage is key in this regard, as it will keep your remaining crab delicious and safe for consumption. To get started, remove the crab meat from its can and transfer to a secure container. Plastic containers with tightly sealing lids are a great option, but you can also use a freezer safe bag in a pinch.

Once you've relocated to crab to its new home, pour in some milk, making sure that all the crab is fully submerged. Milk will safeguard the meat against freezer burn, which can cause unwanted changes to its taste and texture. Once the crab is fully covered, place the lid on the container and seal. If you're using a bag, push out as much air as possible before tightly sealing the top. Place the crab into your freezer and add to recipes as you normally would. As for storing unopened crab, you'll need to take another approach to keep it fresh.

What about unopened crab meat?

It stands to reason that most opened canned foods must be refrigerated, as the contents are now exposed to the open air. However, some canned foods must also be refrigerated before opening, and this includes canned crab meat. It's true that canned crab meat is pasteurized, but it's not treated using the same type of process as other canned seafood. This is because subjecting delicate meat to the ultra-high temperatures needed to kill bacteria would also negatively impact its quality. As a result, pasteurized crab meat is not stable at room temperature and must be refrigerated before opening.

When it comes to storing unopened crab, the refrigerator offers the perfect environment for preservation. In this case, place the can in the coldest area of the fridge, such as the storage compartment typically used for meat. The area must be at least 38 degrees or colder to ensure the crab maintains its quality. With the right approach, both opened and unopened canned crab will remain palatable for a long time.

How long will leftover crab last before going bad?

With unopened cans of crab meat stored in the fridge, their lifespan typically depends on package labeling. In some cases, the meat may last up to 18 months, provided temperatures are sufficient. When it comes to storing opened canned crab in the freezer, it should remain tasty for about three months under the right conditions.

If you're concerned about food safety, the USDA says that properly frozen food is safe to eat indefinitely but will experience diminished quality the longer it's frozen. For instance, meat may exhibit changes to its color and texture the longer it remains in the freezer. While the crab will likely be safe to eat at this point, it won't offer the same delicious quality you're after. In the event that the food has experienced issues with freezer burn, you may be able to rescue it with the right spices and seasonings.