Bell Pepper Rings Make The Best Alternative For Eggs In A Basket

If you have eggs for breakfast often, you probably know that eating scrambled eggs every morning with toast can get a little boring. However, one way to liven up your daily eggs and toast is to make eggs in a basket, which is basically a piece of toast with a hole cut in the middle to make space to crack an egg inside. However, if you are on a paleo eating plan, have a gluten allergy, or are just tired of toast in general because it is almost impossible to cook perfectly, then a great replacement for eggs in a basket is eggs in a bell pepper ring.

Eggs in a bell pepper ring are a fun way to add some extra flavor and a crunch to sunny-side-up eggs. They are also super easy to make and completely customizable. Add your own flair to eggs in a bell pepper ring by sprinkling fresh herbs and cheese on top, or even add bits of ham, sausage, or bacon. Both versatile and delicious, this easy breakfast idea is sure to liven up your morning.

How to make eggs in a bell pepper ring

The first thing you need to know about making eggs in a bell pepper ring is that — just like eggs in a basket — you will need to use a nonstick pan. Nonstick pans make cooking eggs much easier and less messy. To make eggs in a bell pepper, first, cut the pepper into rings by slicing ¼-inch thick strips across the pepper and removing the seeds and core. Only cut as many rings as you need. Depending on preference, you can use a green, red, or yellow pepper. Then, place the empty bell pepper rings on an oiled skillet over medium heat and crack a large egg into each ring.

Once each ring contains an egg, season with salt, pepper, and any other spices you want to include, like paprika or red chili flakes, then add any extra toppings like fresh parsley, bacon bits, or even a spoonful of salsa. Next, cover the skillet and cook until the egg whites are done. In this recipe, the eggs are cooked sunny-side-up, but if you prefer your eggs over easy, you can cook them in the bell pepper rings for a few minutes on one side and then flip them and cook again for a few minutes on the other side.

Get creative with your eggs in a pepper

The fun thing about this recipe is that it is very versatile and can be changed in multiple ways for fun and creative takes on the original. For starters, if you love bell peppers, you can include more pepper by changing the recipe to include bell pepper boats (like stuffed peppers) instead of just rings. For this version, you will cut each bell pepper in half to make small cups. Then remove the seeds and core of the pepper and crack an egg in each half. Add your seasonings and toppings to the eggs, then pop them in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 25 minutes.

If you like spicy food, another great option is to use poblano peppers instead of bell peppers. Poblanos add a great layer of flavor that is not too hot to overpower the eggs but spicy enough to add a slight kick. For eggs in a poblano, cut the poblanos in half the long way and remove all the seeds. Then cook the peppers on an oiled skillet on both sides and cover to soften them up. Once soft, crack an egg into each poblano half, then season with salt and pepper and cover and cook until the egg whites are done. You can also top these eggs in poblano boats with salsa, black beans, hot sauce, shredded cheese, or sliced avocado.