The Genius Lettuce Hack For A Mess-Free Sandwich

Sandwiches taste best when replete with your favorite ingredients, but things can get a little messy if you overdo it with the condiments and toppings. In this case, you can engineer a delicious yet structurally sound sandwich using a neat trick. Instead of simply plopping a piece of lettuce on top of other fillings, wrap it around the side. The lettuce will now serve as a delicious safety net for your sandwich, thereby sparing you from staining your clothing or losing a delicious morsel.

In order for your hack to be a rousing success, you'll need a big, firm piece of lettuce. Iceberg is a hearty selection for sandwiches, as leaves are often sizable enough to wrap around all the fillings. The lettuce should form sort of a hinge on the sandwich, with equal portions of the leaf touching the top and bottom bun. If you really want to get crafty, use two lettuce leaves to fortify your sandwich even further. This tip can also be combined with a bun hack that can prevent the bread from becoming needlessly soggy.

How to avoid a sad, soggy sandwich

A skilled sandwich engineer knows that sogginess is the worst possible thing that can happen. Along with ruining the mix of textures, a soggy sandwich is at risk of falling apart, which makes for one frustrating meal. Lettuce is crucial to the equation, but it can also fall victim to sogginess. Proper lettuce storage is crucial in this regard, as it will ensure leaves are fresh and crisp. Avoid keeping lettuce in airtight containers, as the airflow will stop sogginess from setting in. Additionally, lettuce should only be slightly moist when storing. You can sop up excess moisture with a paper towel or run the leaves in a salad spinner before storing them as you normally would.

How you handle the bread on your sandwich is another crucial factor when it comes to keeping it intact. In this case, the best thing you can do is to toast your bread prior to making your sandwich, as toasted bread will hold up better under the weight of various meats, cheeses, veggies, and condiments. Toasted bread is naturally crispier, meaning it's less likely to fully absorb wet ingredients. The size of your sandwich bread is another factor to consider, as sizable bread will work better when holding all your fixings.

The best bread for avoiding sandwich catastrophes

Perhaps you're aware of the push towards building a better burger, as illustrated by this petition. This petition, which currently has 249 signatures out of its 500-signature goal, beseeches the burger makers of America to make burgers wider instead of taller. This entails "bigger buns" capable of accommodating the massive amount of ingredients you find on burgers these days. The same principle applies to sandwiches: a wider sandwich is easier to handle than a tall one and also less likely to spill toppings everywhere.

That's why you must choose your sandwich bread carefully. A flat, hearty bread, focaccia is an excellent sandwich selection when you want to go big, as you can cut the bread as wide as you'd like when making a sandwich. It also has much to offer when it comes to taste, as the cheese-infused bread will add another layer of deliciousness to your sandwich while keeping ingredients well contained. There are also plenty of large and jumbo-slice bread brands out there, which are ideal when your appetite for sandwiches knows no bounds.