How To Store Cream Puffs So They Don't Become A Soggy Mess

With their fluffy texture and sweet filling, cream puffs are a beloved treat that brings back childhood memories. This luscious pastry is perfect for any occasion and leaves plenty of room for creativity. You can fill it with ice cream, whipped cream, jam, or pudding and serve it plain or with chocolate ganache, icing, or powdered sugar. Your imagination is the only limit.

The mysterious history of the classic cream puff dates back to the 13th century. Also known as profiterole, this creamy dessert originated in France, but it first appeared in the U.S. in 1851. Unlike other French specialties, it's quick and easy to prepare, which adds to its appeal. All you need are a few ingredients, such as water, flour, eggs, salt, sugar, and pastry cream or other fillings. The challenge lies in storing cream puffs without ruining their texture.

Profiteroles can be refrigerated or frozen, with or without the filling. The best way to store them depends on the ingredients used. For example, cream puffs filled with ice cream should be stored in the freezer, but you can also refrigerate or freeze the puff shells and add the filling later. 

Store cream puff shells in an airtight container to preserve their shape

Cream puff shells tend to become soggy in the refrigerator due to humidity. For this reason, it's best to store them in an airtight container once they have cooled completely. These steps will prevent condensation from forming inside them during storage. Next, refrigerate the cream puff pastry for up to 24 hours or freeze it for up to two months. You can keep the puff shells in the fridge for two or three days, but they may soften and lose their flavor.

Make sure there's enough space in the container to prevent them from getting crushed. Ideally, place them on parchment paper to keep them from sticking to the bottom of the container. Another option is to wrap each puff shell in an airtight bag, place them in a tray, and then refrigerate or freeze them.

Last, reheat the cream puff shells at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for five minutes to restore their crispiness. Poke them with a skewer while they're still warm so the steam can escape. Let them cool, and then add the filling. 

Storing filled cream puffs requires extra care

Filled cream puffs are best served fresh, but you can refrigerate or freeze them for later use. However, some fillings don't freeze well. If, say, you want to make chocolate cream puffs with salted caramel custard filling, freeze the shells and add the filling later. The same goes for cream puffs with fresh fruit fillings, whipped cream, pastry cream, or crème patisserie, which can become mushy and lose their texture when frozen and thawed.

This French dessert can be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated for 24 to 72 hours, depending on the filling. Generally, dairy-based fillings have a shorter shelf life than fruit or chocolate fillings. Remember to let the puffs cool completely before storing them in the fridge. Keep them away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor transfer.

If you prefer to freeze the puffs, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Let them sit uncovered in the freezer until firm, transfer them to an airtight container, and serve them within two months. For best results, thaw the puffs in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. Thawing them in the microwave is faster, but they may become soggy. As with most pastries, it's not recommended to refreeze cream puffs, so take out only what you need if you don't plan to eat them all at once.