Here's How Long A Homemade Meat Pie Will Last In The Fridge

Whether it's a classic steak, a nostalgic kidney, a Michigan pasty, or a delicious Canadian Tourtière, all meat pies shine in their own savory and comforting way. Perfect for cold dinners, leftovers, or feeding a crowd, meat pies can be traced back to the time of the Romans and ancient Greeks. Meat pies have developed since this conception, and while a personal twist may be placed on your homemade recipe, one thing that cannot be messed with is how long your pie can last in the fridge.

Cooked meat pies can generally last from three to five days in the refrigerator in an airtight container. While "generally" is often mentioned, there are plenty of other factors that will affect how long it can remain in the refrigerator. These include how long it cooled, if it is cooked or uncooked, how big the pie is, and the conditions in your kitchen (such as temperature and humidity). If meat pies are not stored and cooled correctly, they could result in a serious food-related illness. Be smart, not rash.

The meat pie shelf life

When it comes to cooked meat pies, whether mini or a single big pie, once cooled, they should be wrapped in airtight cling film and placed inside an airtight container. This sealed container is then transferred to the refrigerator, where it will be safe to consume for up to five days. This is common for how long to keep most cooked leftovers. It is imperative that after the pie (or pies) have finished cooking, they are cooled and immediately transferred to the refrigerator.

Leave the pies at room temperature for 30 minutes before wrapping, boxing, and placing them into the refrigerator at a temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. Even if the pies are still warm, they can continue to cool in the fridge. They should not be left at room temperature for longer than two hours, as this is the ideal condition for bacteria to thrive. Fruit pies usually have enough sugar inside to counter aggressive bacteria growth and can cool for longer than 30 minutes, but meat pies are not so lucky — so you must be quick. 

Other factors affecting meat pie storage

Like all food safety in the kitchen, it's important to understand the repercussions of poor cooling times or storage. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria found in meat pies that haven't been stored properly, which can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as vomiting or cramps if consumed. Be aware that mini meat pies will cool faster than large ones and could be transferred earlier to the refrigerator. Set a timer to remind you when to put the pie in the fridge, and label all leftovers in the fridge (and freezer) with the date they went into storage.

If it's a scorching, humid day, these conditions may impact the temperatures in your kitchen. Be reactive to these scenarios and monitor how your pies are cooling. If in doubt, measure the temperatures of the pies and ensure they fall within FDA cooling guidelines to refrigerate within two hours of removing your meat pie from the oven. 

If you're wondering how uncooked meat pies can be stored, they are best placed straight into an airtight container and into the freezer. Uncooked frozen meat pies can last up to two months in the freezer. While they could be stored longer, they will start losing their texture, flavor, and color. An additional tip, they can also be cooked frozen, with no need to thaw. 

The next time you cook a delicious homemade meat pie, consider when and how you store it. Your body will thank you in the long run.