Grilled Watermelon Burgers May Seem Unconventional, But Hear Us Out

Watermelon is the trusty, refreshing fruit that keeps us cool through hot days. Consuming watermelons has many benefits; offering plenty of nutrients, controlling blood pressure, and providing a much-needed hydration boost. While they are usually considered an ingredient firmly on the sweet side of the food cosmos, popping them on the grill with a little salt and olive oil can transform them into a juicy burger patty.

Perhaps you think this is some belated April Fools? It most certainly is not. You may associate grilling fruit with a delightful taste, caramelized by the grill into a sticky and sugary treat. While accentuating watermelon's sweetness is not too difficult, it can also be transformed into a delicious savory patty that's perfect in a burger. Grilling watermelon turns the fruit's texture less soft, adding solidity. Some even find it comparable to tuna steaks. It might be unconventional, but once you have the right ingredients to balance out the sweetness with salt, you'll see how much of a winner this one is. Especially with vegan or plant-based audiences!

Watermelon: the new savory staple

The secret to transforming your watermelon into a delicious burger patty is in two parts. The grilling and the final construction. These are both key stages as they will neutralize the sweetness of the watermelon and play on more savory notes. Choose a tasty-looking watermelon that's not extremely sweet, and you can begin by slicing it into patties — this can be made simpler by using your burger buns as a guide. Season with salt and olive oil before placing on an oiled hot grill. They'll take 5-8 minutes to cook per side, but keeping them moving is best so they do not stick.

When the watermelon patties are cooked, you can assemble the burgers. Adding cheese is a brilliant way to cut through the sweetness of the watermelon: goat's or sheep's cheese, gruyere, or mozzarella will work well. Fried onion is another great inclusion in watermelon burgers as it adds a little extra tang to distract from the sugar. Lastly, while you can marinade your watermelon burgers beforehand, you can also create a zingy gremolata to spoon over when serving. Choose flavors that compliment the sweet and salty elements in the burger, like vinegar, fennel, orange, or mint. The gremolata will also add some extra crunch to the burger; this is perfect, especially when watermelon can struggle to get crispy.

Beyond the grill

Placing this fruit in burgers is not the only savory spin you can put on watermelon. If you're looking for a keto-friendly burger substitute, use watermelon slices as the burger bun. Marinade fresh watermelon in vinegar, soy sauce, lime juice, and sesame oil. This will make it slightly more difficult to eat, but it's worth it for the refreshing poke bowl vibes this gives off. If this marinade isn't your thing, then drizzling balsamic vinegar glaze over the slices also works as a treat. It also looks visually stunning, boasting that bright pink color.

Watermelon steaks are another neat idea and gaining popularity as well. If you want to try this out, it's best to marinate the steaks first. As mentioned previously, as watermelon cooks, its texture changes. If you want to move as far away from the soft texture of watermelon as possible, consider slowly baking it. It turns the fruit's grainy flesh into a slightly tighter and chewy consistency. Slightly reminiscent of the bite you get with steak. Try these watermelon burgers out the next time you're searching for a light meat replacement or just fancy experimenting with the grill.