The Ultimate Ranking Of Maruchan Ramen Flavors, From Worst To Best

Ramen holds a special place in the hearts (and stomachs) of broke college kids everywhere, providing sustenance and comfort in times of academic turmoil and financial constraints. But this Japanese treat can also become a gastronomic delight with the addition of delectable meats, fresh veggies, and that coveted soft-boiled egg.

Consider this article your trusty roadmap to navigating the labyrinth of ramen noodle options, where we'll uncover the hidden gems and avoid the flavor disappointments of the iconic Maruchan brand. So gather 'round, cash-strapped scholars and soup gourmands, as we embark on this gustatory adventure, elevating the humble ramen from mere survival necessity to a delicacy worthy of the savviest of palates. From taste and texture, to smell and overall satisfaction, we're here to help you make the right choice when it comes to your next noodle adventure.

In a world where ramen reigns supreme as a knight in shining armor, we present to you the ultimate ranking of Maruchan ramen flavors, from the depths of pocket-pinching despair to the pinnacle of gourmet satisfaction.

11. Chili

Prepare your taste buds for a rollercoaster ride, folks, because we're about to dive headfirst into the fiery depths of Maruchan's Chili flavor ramen. If you're expecting a symphony of complex flavors dancing on your tongue, you might want to direct your taste buds elsewhere. This flavor leaves no room for subtlety or nuance. Instead, it hits you like a chili powder tornado, swirling and twirling, dominating your senses with its fiery embrace. There are no other flavors present. 

While some ramen flavors leave you pondering the delicate balance of savory notes and umami goodness inside the package, this one simply smacks you in the face with its chili powder onslaught. It's a one-note wonder and a real disappointment.

Sadly, Chili lacks the salty goodness that we've come to expect and adore about Maruchan ramen. It's not a flavor we'd go running back to unless we were participating in some kind of weird chili powder competition. So, dear readers, we regret to inform you that Chili has earned itself a spot at the bottom of our ramen flavor hierarchy. Ultimately, this flavor is a hard pass unless you're a chili powder aficionado with a tongue that's made of steel.

10. Picante Chicken

Next up is Maruchan's Picante Chicken flavor ramen. If you're expecting a fiery explosion of flavor that will make your tongue do the salsa, you might want to prepare yourself for a tango of disappointment. For a package that reads "Hot and Spicy," there was practically no hot or spice to be found inside. It tasted blander than the regular chicken flavor from Maruchan, which is what we'd opt for over this one. In the grand realm of chicken flavors, this one left us clucking in confusion.

We had high hopes for this fiery fowl, imagining a flavor symphony of tangy heat and savory bliss that would help it stand out. Alas, Picante Chicken fell flat, leaving us longing for the flavor fireworks that never ignited. It's a flavor we'd pass on without much thought, opting for any other chicken Maruchan variety as a superior choice. The heat-seeking flavor enthusiasts among us will find themselves longing for more pizzazz and reaching for something from the hot sauce aisle to boost the flavor here. It's time to let this ramen variety fly the coop and head back to the spice drawing board.

9. Creamy Chicken

The Creamy Chicken flavor from Maruchan ranked pretty close to the brand's Picante Chicken, in that the overall taste was pretty bland. While the broth boasts a commendable creaminess, it's missing that salty flare of chicken-flavored ramen broth we were hoping to find. It's a solid option for those seeking a tamer, low-sodium experience, but for flavor adventurers who are yearning to take their taste buds on a wild ride to Flavor Town, this chicken train falls short of reaching its delicious destination.

We appreciate the effort someone put into crafting a smooth and flavorful broth, but we can't help but wonder where the chicken-salt magic disappeared to. If you're in the mood for a creamy ramen adventure with a mild twist, then Creamy Chicken might just be the ticket to flavor satisfaction. But if you're hankering for a bolder chicken experience that'll make your taste buds do the chicken dance, it's best to set your sights on other poultry-infused options. If you want to get to flavor town, you won't get there on this chicken train.

8. Shrimp

Ahoy, seafood enthusiasts! We're setting sail on the briny seas of Maruchan's Shrimp flavor ramen. This flavor took us on a journey that left us somewhat adrift. While we appreciate the subtle nod to seafood with that broth, this flavor still felt as if it was trying to impersonate the chicken packet with an unconvincing watery disguise. This was a commendable effort, but ultimately, it fell short of the shrimp-tastic glory we were hoping for.

In the realm of flavor, Shrimp finds itself somewhere between the levels of "meh" and "almost there." It's like the flavor was given a faint whisper of seafood essence but then decided to take a nap instead of fully embracing its crustacean heritage. We yearned for a shrimp extravaganza, but instead found ourselves nibbling on a watered-down imitation.

Overall, we do feel that Maruchan's Shrimp ramen can rise above its plain persona with the right accouterments. Fish cakes, veggies, and a touch of creativity can transform this lackluster bowl into a seafood feast that's fit for Poseidon himself. Dress it up with a splash of soy sauce or a squeeze of lime, and you just might salvage a culinary adventure worth savoring.

7. Chicken

Ah, the classic Chicken flavor ramen, a timeless hero that has saved many a broke college kid from the clutches of hunger. This nostalgic flavor holds a special place in the hearts (and stomachs) of ramen aficionados worldwide. While this flavor might not boast the same boldness as some of its culinary companions, it's the dependable rock upon which many ramen creations have been built. A true team player, it serves as a canvas for endless flavor adventures, assuming you have the time and funds for some add-ins.

While the chicken flavor might have a touch of artificiality to it, we're not expecting a Michelin-starred chicken broth from a humble seasoning packet, right? Maruchan's Chicken flavor ramen may not be the pinnacle of flavor innovation, but it's a solid choice that will never let you down. If you're craving something more here, add your personal touch with extra fixings, experiment with different types of meat, and let this classic flavor be your guiding light through the world of ramen possibilities. It's not a top choice, but it's truly won the title of "old reliable."

6. Beef

Prepare to sink your teeth into the meaty wonders of Maruchan's Beef ramen, an option that holds a hallowed place in the pantheon of ramen flavors. Widely available and adored by many, it's a reliable friend we turn to when our taste buds crave a touch of savory indulgence. However, let's address the meaty elephant in the room. While its flavor is undeniably good, it's more like a salty symphony with notes of soy sauce dancing on our tongues than genuine beef.

Yet, dear beef lovers, while this packet of magic might not deliver the exact taste of a tender, juicy steak, it compensates with a bold, umami-laden essence that leans towards the salty side of the flavor spectrum.

While Beef may not be everyone's favorite, it still deserves a place of honor in our ramen-loving hearts. It's a dependable option, a culinary companion that stands ready to satisfy our carnivorous cravings. And let's not forget the power of customization. A handful of fresh veggies, a drizzle of sesame oil, or a sprinkle of chili flakes can elevate this beefy base to new heights of deliciousness.

5. Roast Beef

Hold on to your taste buds because up next is Maruchan's Roast Beef flavor ramen. Frankly, this one blew us away. It really does taste like roast beef, and we were all about it once we learned that this flavor does not mess around. That's because the hearty essence of the regular beef flavor takes on a whole new level of deliciousness with roast beef. One sip and you might just believe that you're tasting a succulently sliced piece of beef straight off a carving table. This Maruchan flavor presents a tantalizing dose of salty satisfaction that doesn't overpower the senses but rather embraces them with open arms. It's a near-perfect balance of beefy perfection, delivering that unmistakable roast beef goodness in every slurp.

If you're a fan of switching things up or you're seeking a flavor experience that might have your taste buds doing the tango, this one's for you. It's a departure from the ordinary, a culinary adventure that'll make your bowl of ramen feel like a gourmet masterpiece. Say goodbye to predictability and let Roast Beef be your ticket to flavor exploration.

4. Lime Chili Shrimp

We've truly entered flavor town with Maruchan's zesty and fiery Lime Chili Shrimp ramen. This variety brought a whole new level of pizzazz to the ramen game. One bowl is a rollercoaster ride of flavor, starting with a zing of acidic lime that tickles your taste buds and ends with a spicy crescendo of chili goodness. It's a flavor profile that takes complexity to a whole new level, leaving us in awe of its boldness.

However, prepare to have your mouth set ablaze because even spice lovers will find that this ramen doesn't shy away from heat. It's a fiery delight that'll have you reaching for that glass of milk or a cool towel for your brow. But fear not, dear adventurers, for this is a spice level that can be conquered by brave souls who love a culinary challenge.

While Lime Chili Shrimp may not be everyone's cup of tea (or bowl of soup), it's an absolute must-try for those who are seeking a flavor punch that'll awaken their taste buds. We understand that not everyone is ready for a spicy soup adventure, so we've placed this gem a bit farther down our list. But for your average spice aficionado, this bowl is waiting to deliver a taste experience that you won't soon forget.

3. Roast Chicken

Clinching the bronze medal with a true chicken taste is Maruchan Roast Chicken ramen. While the flavor is more subtle than that of the regular chicken, it's saltier than other varieties and offers that real chicken flavoring over an artificial salt bomb. A steamy bowl of this soup will make you feel like curling up with a good book in the middle of a snowstorm.

We can easily imagine ourselves snuggled up by the fire, savoring each spoonful of this ramen as snowflakes gently dance outside. It's also the perfect chicken base for any noodle soup creation, inviting us to unleash our creativity and transform a humble bowl into a masterpiece of flavor. Whether you're adding vegetables, spices, or even a poached or boiled egg, this roast chicken ramen base is ready to take your soup game to the next level. Be sure that you don't sleep on this roast masterpiece!

2. Soy Sauce

Hold on to your chopsticks, flavor enthusiasts, because we're about to embark on a journey through the wonderland of Maruchan's Soy Sauce flavor ramen. This bowl of soup captures the essence of classic Asian flavors with a boldness that left us reaching for a second helping, as the unmistakable taste of soy takes center stage.

We were skeptical heading into this test, but the flavor more than held its own and left us craving more. The broth is a delightful concoction that truly tastes like soy sauce but doesn't present an overpowering assault on the senses. Instead, it finds a harmonious balance of savory goodness that can complement any meat or vegetable combination you throw its way.

Maruchan's Soy Sauce flavor ramen is a versatile champion that's ready to elevate your ramen to new heights. From succulent slices of pork to vibrant stir-fried veggies, this flavor is the perfect companion to all manner of additions, lending a touch of authenticity to your creations. It's like a culinary passport to the streets of Tokyo or the bustling night markets of Hong Kong. This is one flavor you're gonna wanna try!

1. Pork

The crowned champion of Maruchan's ramen kingdom is the one, the only, Pork flavor. This soup is the epitome of what ramen dreams are made of. It may share some similarities with its beefy cousin in terms of artificial flavoring, but make no mistake — it has a personality all its own. It's no less than the seasoned master of umami, boasting a salty edge that titillates the senses and screams "quintessential ramen."

With each slurp, we found ourselves diving deeper into a world of porky delight. The broth is a symphony of savory goodness, presenting an umami dreamboat that makes us want to don a chef's hat and start perfecting our own ramen recipes.

If you're skeptical, we implore you to cast aside your doubts and give the Pork flavor ramen a chance. It's a flavor that speaks for itself, beckoning you into a realm of pork-infused bliss. Trust us when we say that this bowl is a foodie triumph that's waiting to be savored. Whether you're a ramen connoisseur or a casual noodle enthusiast, this Maruchan flavor is an absolute must-try.