Frozen Honey Jelly Is A Cool Summer Treat That's Almost Too Easy To Make
It's only fitting to enjoy a treat to cool down from the scorching sun during the summer heat. Though you can cool off with ice cream and popsicles, consider slurping on frozen honey jelly. The sweet sugary snack is a recent viral TikTok recipe that is perfect for the summertime, and it's extremely easy to make.
Frozen honey jelly requires just one ingredient: Honey. To make frozen honey jelly, you just add honey into a small plastic bottle or any container of your choice that is easy to squeeze, as one TikTok video demonstrated. Freeze the bottle for a couple of hours. As it solidifies, the honey surprisingly turns jelly-like. When you take it out, you are left with honey jelly that is easy to slurp.
Just squeeze the bottle and watch as a tube of jellied honey oozes out of the bottle. This makes frozen honey jelly an easy and fun item to take on the go on your next summer outing.
Try freezing an entire honey bottle
Frozen honey jelly has taken the online world by storm. It is unclear when and where exactly frozen honey jelly originated, but videos about the concoction have amassed a whopping 1.8 billion views on TikTok. This may not be surprising because as peculiar as the treat is, it is almost effortless to make.
Watch on TikTok
TikTok is so obsessed with this food item that one TikTok user shared an even easier way to make frozen honey jelly. If you see yourself snacking on this jelly all summer long, try freezing an entire bottle of honey in the freezer instead of transferring honey to a different container. Just make sure the bottle is squeezable.
If you are wondering why honey doesn't turn rock solid when frozen, there is science behind that phenomenon. Freezing honey slows down its crystallization and reduces its viscosity, which as a result, modifies the texture of honey.
Add Jell-O or Kool-Aid mix
Since frozen honey jelly has gone viral, TikTok users have created their own version of the snack. If ordinary honey jelly isn't satisfying enough, try elevating it by incorporating additional ingredients, like adding a Jell-O powder of your choice to the honey for a flavorful honey jelly.
The frozen honey jelly trend has also led creators to experiment, making frozen jelly with other substances like maple syrup. The best part is that making frozen jelly using another ingredient is just as easy as making frozen honey jelly. If you don't like honey, try making jelly with corn syrup. One user added Kool-Aid drink mix and corn syrup for flavored corn syrup jelly.
Some vegans avoid honey. One TikTok user shared a vegan-friendly version of frozen honey jelly where they swapped honey for date syrup so vegans could join in on the fun. They then added fruit punch mix to the bottle for an extra hint of sweetness and then placed it in the freezer for a few hours. The date syrup jelly does ooze out similarly to honey jelly, with the creator giving the recipe an 8 out of 10 rating.