The Hack For Achieving Perfectly Melted Cheese When Grilling Burgers

Burgers — juicy, meaty, and moreish. While the toppings you choose for this iconic dish can reflect elements of your personality, there is a common addition that's almost as important as the patty itself: the cheese layer. While there are plenty of underrated cheeses to try on top of that sizzling burger patty, have you ever considered the best way to achieve the optimum gooey-melted cheese? The key is creating the right environment for melting to occur.

One of the crowning jewels of a burger is a lusciously soft and warm cheese layer. The way it effortlessly falls around the patty in all its melted glory — you can tell this is a burger you will enjoy. While some burger enthusiasts have recommended just putting your hot burger on top of the cheese to melt it in the bun, it will likely never reach that seriously gooey consistency. Luckily, there's an easy hack involving only a heat-resistant bowl, and it may revolutionize the way you now prepare your burgers.

Melted perfection

Before you begin melting, it's crucial to have an evenly sliced piece of cheese; this will help it to melt consistently over the whole burger. For perfectly sliced cheese every time, use a peeler. Now to the best part — your burgers are grilling, and it's time for the cheese. Place a strip of cheese over your burgers and cover with a small heat-resistant bowl. A small bowl means you can concentrate hot air around the individual patties, and this temperature blast will melt the cheese evenly. Over the next few minutes, the hot air from the grill becomes trapped under the bowl and majestically melts the cheese.

Not only does this hack make our cheese dreams come true, but it can also speed up the internal cooking process of the burger — which is extremely helpful when dealing with particularly chunky patties. If you don't have a grill, you can always use a similar take on this hack with a frying pan or griddle instead. The only adjustment is adding a small amount of water to the pan or griddle, which will help steam the cheese – even Guy Fieri endorses this tip.

When cheese is life

Sometimes a finely sliced cheddar or squared strip will only scratch that cheese itch so much. If you want to go the whole hog, you can always make a cheese sauce to generously layer between the buns, serve as a delectable side to your burger, or even lavish over the entire thing, bun and all. Thankfully, it's pretty simple to make: Combine cheddar (or the cheese of your choice), evaporated milk, and cornstarch on low heat. And of course, no one's stopping you from combining both methods for maximum cheesiness.

When ready, it should have a creamy, thick texture that's rich and enticing. Presented as a dip for your burgers, things can get seriously messy, but who cares? It's worth it for the cheesiest bite of your life. When it comes to cheese on grilled burgers, there's a suitable hack for every preference, whether you prefer a perfectly melted square or dousing your entire burger in cheese sauce. Don't hesitate to give it a go; you'll have no regrets.