What To Look Out For When Eating A So-Called 'Gourmet' Burger

A burger isn't always "just a burger." While some burgers can be as simple as a meat patty on a bun, others are as upscale as they come, featuring expensive ingredients, bougie buns, and high-end condiments that take a humble meal from plain to impressive (or just plain expensive).

Fancy burger restaurants abound now, and even chains like Burger King and McDonald's have tried to cash in on the trend of upscaling their usual fare. But not every burger that calls itself gourmet deserves the title. The next time you see the words "gourmet burger" on a menu, don't be duped into paying more for something sub-par!

Keep your eyes peeled for a few key features that set apart a true gourmet burger. These include the best quality meat, the freshest toppings, and a balance of high-end ingredients that were carefully chosen. If you're discerning and look out for these, you'll be eating the perfect meal in no time.

Key ingredients for a gourmet burger

A burger starts with its most basic ingredients: the meat and the bun. The meat, especially, is essential in setting the stage for quality and flavor. You want to ensure the burger you're eating isn't just any everyday ground beef, but a carefully selected mix of cuts that provide texture, flavor, and a good amount of fat. Grade-A, as well as Prime beef, are a must — ground in-house is even better — and something even more special such as Wagyu or Kobe beef might be on the menu. (Just be aware that real Wagyu beef is rare and false labels abound in the U.S. restaurant sphere; ask questions at the restaurant if you need to for clarity.)

In terms of toppings, freshness is important. Some restaurants will go as far as to craft their burgers with seasonal ingredients for optimal freshness; a ripe, juicy, local summer tomato on a burger is a much better eating experience than one imported in the middle of winter. Beyond that, balancing those ingredients is also essential. With expensive ingredients, a little can go a long way. If you're making your burger with shaved truffles, caviar, and foie gras, all these opulent toppings can get muddled in the mix. Better to go a little more simple and focus on just a couple, high-quality toppings than put the whole kitchen sink on the burger.

Watch out for these misleading mistakes

While many restaurants are earnest in their attempts to craft the best burger around, there are still plenty of establishments that will slap the "gourmet" label on something sub-par and call it a day. You don't want to break the bank on a burger that comes up short! Be sure to read the menu carefully and look for specific language describing why the burger deserves the "gourmet" moniker. If the restaurant can't point to a good reason, such as meat quality, upscale ingredients, or house-made condiments, it might be better to pass.

What's the best place to go looking for truly gourmet burgers? Try local sit-down restaurants. While fast food establishments and chains do occasionally put out gourmet-worthy options, these restaurants typically won't be able to ensure quality control down to the level of a local burger joint that's sourcing its ingredients directly from local farmers.