Powdered Vinegar Is The Little-Known Secret To The Absolute Best Snacks

You're likely most familiar with liquid vinegar that's sold in bottles. But if you're looking to amplify the flavors of your homemade snacks, vinegar powder may be the slightly unusual seasoning you've been looking for. It's made the same way as its standard liquid counterpart, but the liquid evaporates, leaving only the flavors in a powder perfect for adding tangy flavoring to other foods. 

Because the powder is dry, you can add the seasoning to your snacks without getting anything soggy — meaning you can sprinkle some over popcorn, and it'll stay perfectly fluffy. You can also add it to homemade potato chips or french fries if you're a salt and vinegar flavor fan. In fact, many chip brands already use it for their pre-bagged snacks.

The powder can also be used in dry rubs for meats, added for some extra flavoring in marinades, or stirred into sauces and salad dressings.

Different vinegar powders have different flavors

Because there are different kinds of vinegar, different variations of vinegar powder can also be made. White, malt, and apple cider vinegar are the most commonly used, though any variety can work. Since the vinegar will be boiled down, the powdered seasoning will retain the flavors of whatever vinegar is used to produce it.

Depending on what you plan to use the dried vinegar for, you may want to use a specific variety. The standard white vinegar will be your best bet for making salt and vinegar seasoning, perfect for sprinkling over crunchy snacks. Dried balsamic vinegar will be better for flavoring salad dressings or mixing into marinades for meats. Malt vinegar is commonly used for pickling, so its powdered form tastes best on top of vegetables.

The powder can be purchased in stores, ordered online, or made right in your kitchen at home — so long as you have some vinegar on hand.

Powdered vinegar can be bought or made

When you buy powdered vinegar, it may also contain maltodextrin. The vinegar can clump up inside the packaging, making it difficult to sprinkle out. The added maltodextrin can reduce the risk of that clumping and preserve the texture of the vinegar. However, it can also dull down the flavor, making the seasoning taste a little more subtle. 

If you want to make your own vinegar powder at home to ensure you get the most flavorful seasoning, you'll only need some vinegar and baking soda. Add the vinegar to a pan on the stovetop, then gradually add in baking soda. Allow the mixture to boil until the liquid is gone, then spread it onto a baking sheet and dry it out in the oven. Then, you can add the pieces to a food processor and grind them down into a fine powder.

Whether you choose to buy a more subtly flavored vinegar powder or cook your own for a more intense taste, this seasoning may be just what you need to take your snacks up a notch.