Grill Your Burger Patties With Some Mustard For Tangy Perfection

Similar to how pickle juice can easily elevate burger buns, there's another simple way to amplify your burger patties. The answer is waiting for you in the refrigerator: mustard. It's one of those jars that consistently resides in the side tray of our refrigerators, occasionally being pulled from its spot for a ham sandwich or steak night. This unique condiment possesses exceptional versatility, which extends far beyond the utility it currently receives.

The tangy bite that's reminiscent of horseradish is the perfect addition to your burgers while they're still on the grill. That's right, while those tantalizing burgers are sizzling away and achieving that wonderful caramelization, they lightly absorb the zingy flavors of the mustard. Different mustards impart different flavors into the burger, so it's handy to understand your mustard and how it will amplify your burger. It's an easy enough trick that you'll be using time and time again.

Tangy mustard goodness

This mustard sear is simple; once the burger is on the grill (or in the pan), spread the top side with mustard and flip. As the mustard sears into the bottom side, smear mustard on the now topside, then flip again so that both sides of your burger have seared mustard. The result will be crispy, juicy, and mustardy, and perfect for placing straight onto a burger bun with your favorite condiments and garnishes. The best part about using mustard is that it also seasons the burger, as mustard usually contains vinegar, mustard seeds, salt, and sometimes spices like turmeric and paprika.

Whether you're a yellow mustard fan or you prefer a more mellow affair, there are at least 11 different mustard varieties you should become acquainted with. Each mustard will add unique flavors to your burger. For instance, Dijon mustard has a sharper spicy tang, while honey mustard is slightly sweeter and softer. Both can be used and will give you an equally delicious burger. If you're unsure about making a mustard-seared burger at home, you can always try it out first — it's on In-N-Out Burger's secret menu.

Other tasty options for grilling with mustard

Don't stop at burgers: Mustard searing and marinating is also a taste-enhancing process for other meat. Why not try mustard bacon? Following the same directions as the burger, brush each side with a bit of mustard and bake, fry, or grill. Honey mustard works well with bacon, blending those salty and sweet elements joyfully. If you don't have a honey variety of mustard, just add 1 tablespoon of honey to 2 tablespoons of mustard. This mustard searing also works excellently with tuna.

If you're into smoking meats, mustard is a perfect pre-addition to your rub. It helps the rub stick to the meat, and the vinegar in mustard helps all the herbs and spices penetrate and flavor the meat. It also tenderizes the meat, and contributes to creating that glorious crispy exterior. 

It's okay to admit you may have overlooked the potential of mustard. Even if it gets a weekly outing, it deserves more than being just a condiment spread on bread. Give it a chance to elevate your burger, and you may be pleasantly surprised by the doors it unlocks.