Starbucks Workers Speak Out Against Alleged Pride Ban

Starbucks has a longstanding reputation for being an LGBTQIA+-friendly workplace, particularly when it pertains to Pride month celebrations. However, Starbucks partners (which is what the company calls its employees) are claiming that the coffee chain has made numerous attempts to ban Pride celebrations all over the country this year. According to a statement released by Starbucks Workers United on Twitter, management has either banned decorations outright or actively taken them down at locations throughout the nation. And when pressed for reasons for the change from years past, Starbucks management has been unable to provide a unified answer.

Per the statement, some partners are being told that the move to prohibit Pride decorations stems from concerns about safety after Pride merchandise in Target was the subject of attacks and threats. In other instances, management claimed that they couldn't accommodate the "labor hours" necessary to hang Pride flags and décor. Many partners are also being told that the chain wants to maintain a consistent appearance throughout its many locations. When questioned about its deviation from its previous approach to Pride celebrations, a spokesperson for Starbucks denied claims of quelling partners' Pride expressions.

Starbucks emphasizes its commitment to Pride and LGBTQIA+ partners

In a statement shared with Daily Meal, a Starbucks spokesperson stated that reports of Pride decoration bans are "inaccurate." According to the statement, "We're deeply concerned by false information that is being spread especially as it relates to our inclusive store environments, our company culture, and the benefits we offer our partners." Additionally, the spokesperson emphasized that "there has been no change to company policy on this matter."

Despite claims that Starbucks' policy towards Pride celebrations has not changed, internal exchanges between partners and management personnel paint a completely different picture. In a text exchange shared in a press statement sent to Daily Meal, a partner is told that Pride decorations require approval and that the leadership team wants to establish a "consistent experience" and use "less decoration."

According to Starbucks partners, the store's desire for consistency sacrifices the comfort and safety of LGBTQIA+ staff at the chain. As stated by an employee from Madison, Wisconsin, "Starbucks banning pride decorations under the guise of wanting to 'welcome everyone' forces every partner to cater to people who disrespect the LGBTQIA+ community." Additionally, content uploaded to social media shows that Starbucks is actively combatting attempts to decorate for Pride.

Pride displays under attack at Starbucks' locations across the nation

In a video featured on Starbucks Workers United's TikTok page, store staff members are seen removing Pride flags inside a Starbucks location. In another video, a partner claims that this is the first year Pride flags have not been hung in the store during the course of her employment (Pride flags are seen folded in a bucket in a bathroom in the clip). The partner states that management prohibited the hanging of the flags due to safety reasons, claiming that the lack of a ladder could put staff at risk while putting up the decorations. However, flags were hung without issue during previous years per the worker.

It's no secret that corporations are facing immense pressure when it comes to anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment these days, in the form of protests, boycotts, and in some cases, threats of violence. However, LGBTQ+ staff members state that bowing to this pressure puts both workers and customers at greater risk. It also belies the previous support the chain has shown to the LGBTQ+ community. As stated by a tweet from State Street Starbucks (union era), "Today Starbucks made our store take down all of our pride decorations! But they'll make money off of the pride cups and celebrate pride wherever it looks good for them."