The Simple Way To Turn Your Tomato Sauce Into Tomato Juice

When it comes to beverages, you really can't beat the nutritional content of tomato juice. Storebought brands feature essential vitamins and minerals, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant that has a positive effect on inflammation and cholesterol levels. However, many brands do contain an excess of sodium, which can derail the healthiness of this tomato-based beverage. Consider that one popular brand contains a massive 980 mg of salt to make up 43% of a person's daily nutritional value. Fortunately, you can enjoy the benefits of tomato juice without the added salt by making your own.

You know those cans or jars of tomato sauce in your pantry? They can also double as tomato juice. In addition to avoiding concerns about high salt content, DIY tomato juice also saves you a trip to the grocery store if you need the ingredient for a recipe you're making. Along with the Bloody Mary, a staple of boozy brunches everywhere, tomato juice can also be used as a base for soups and salad dressings, as well as a means of tenderizing meat. The recipe for making your own is also incredibly easy, which will make you feel like a real kitchen maestro at home.

How to make DIY tomato juice at home

To make your own tomato juice, you'll need a mixing bowl (preferably one with a spout for easy pouring), two layers of cheesecloth, a strainer, and of course, tomato sauce. Take the strainer and layer the cheesecloth inside. Make sure the cloth covers the entirety of the strainer to prevent your finished tomato juice from being chunkier than you might like. Now, take the strainer and place it into your mixing bowl. Be sure to choose a bowl large enough to easily accommodate the strainer.

Next, take your tomato sauce and pour it over the cheesecloth. DIY tomato juice should be used immediately after making it, so only use as much sauce as you'll need for a food or drink recipe. Make sure the sauce evenly covers the cheesecloth, keeping the thickness at an inch or less. Once the cheesecloth is covered, take a spatula or large spoon, and push it around the strainer to extract more juice. You should also wring out the cloth by hand to ensure you get every bit of liquid. While this method couldn't be any simpler, there's also another method for concocting your own tomato juice at home.

Another tomato tool to add to your kitchen arsenal

For this next method, you'll simply need to add some purified water to your tomato sauce. You'll also need a blender to ensure the ingredients are well-incorporated. You want to include equal amounts of water and tomato sauce in the mixture. If you're making tomato juice for a specific recipe, split the portions between both ingredients. For instance, if you need two cups of tomato juice, you'll use one cup of sauce and one cup of water. Add both ingredients to the blender and set it to high speed. Blend in five-second intervals to help you achieve the smoothest possible texture.

You'll need to keep blending until you get the texture just right. This is largely a personal preference, so test the mix as you blend to ensure you're satisfied with the results. You can also add seasonings, such as herbs or hot sauce, to create a more dynamic flavor. Now that you know the perfect way to create your own healthy tomato juice, you'll never be without this wholesome and versatile beverage (especially on an airplane).