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The Odd Canned Macaroni And Cheese That Actually Exists

Mac and cheese: a comfort meal staple that few can resist. Whether it's creamy homemade mac and cheese prepared by a loving family member or the boxed mac and cheese some prefer to homemade versions, the dish is a common sight on many American dinner tables. But what if your mac and cheese didn't come from a casserole dish or a blue box, but a bright yellow can?

This unusual third option comes by way of Heinz (yes, the ketchup brand). Canned mac and cheese — or rather, "macaroni cheese," as the packaging calls it — is available on Amazon and is manufactured by Heinz U.K. The company offers a medley of different products than its U.S. counterpart, including canned beans, soups, and pasta.

Canned mac and cheese is an uncommon sight in the U.S., so naturally, online shoppers were curious. What does it taste like? How would it stack up against the classic Kraft?

The reviews are mixed

Some brave mac and cheese connoisseurs jumped into this mystery spoon-first, according to hundreds of ratings on Amazon. And the reviews were a mixed bag, to say the least.

Several customers were frustrated by shipping woes, such as dinged-up cans. Others complained about the price. Importing food from the U.K. may be easier than ever, but it isn't cheap. A single 400-gram can of "macaroni cheese" costs $8.99 to ship across the pond. For a dish that's famously inexpensive, that's a steep price.

But is the mac itself any good? It depends on who you ask. "Consistently good, an excellent meal," wrote one enthusiastic fan in their review. Meanwhile, a critic commented, "I'd have a more enjoyable experience eating plain boiled noodles." It seems nostalgia may be causing some bias, with many of the high-star reviewers commenting that the cans tasted just like they remembered their childhood. (Blue box enjoyers may be able to relate.)

The Heinz version isn't the only canned mac on the market

Heinz's canned mac and cheese has caused a stir among Americans, but it's not the only canned version out there. In fact, the U.S. has had canned mac options for years.

Franco-American, which is owned by Campbell's, used to sell canned mac and cheese that was popular in the '80s and still has a fierce cult following today. The product was phased out in the 1990s, but there's an active Facebook group for fans to chat and reminisce and even a Change.org petition to bring it back.

Meanwhile, Chef Boyardee's canned mac is still available today. The "pasta in cheese-flavored sauce" gets equally mixed reviews to its U.K. counterpart and can be found for as low as $1.24 a can. If you're curious about how canned mac and cheese tastes, there may be some hiding in plain sight at your local grocery store.