Chopped Bacon Is The Future Of The BLT

The crispy strips of bacon, the tender, sliced tomatoes, the succulent lettuce, and the thick, creamy mayonnaise. Layered together and placed between two slices of freshly, toasted bread, the BLT is born into existence. Suspected to have originated in England's Victorian era, this top-ten favorite remains firm amongst Americans. Does this mean the BLT recipe is untouchable?

With spicy sauce and avocado casually finding their way between these slices, it's time to consider upgrading some of the key players too. Indeed, within the folds of a BLT, chopped bacon can be no match to sliced. In actuality, chopped bacon will alleviate this sandwich and improve the overall taste and enjoyability. Let's not forget that there's always room for experimentation and innovation when it comes to food. It's now time to push some boundaries. If you're still unconvinced then check out our reasoning below.

The future is chopped and crunchy

You take that first bite of your delicious BLT, and, on pulling away, the whole slice of bacon comes too. While that first bite might have been tasty, you know the rest of the sandwich will not compare. Chopped bacon is the perfect remedy to this recurring disappointment. The little gems can easily be distributed across the entire sandwich, ensuring maximum bacon in every bite.

Another great advantage of using chopped bacon is that, upon cooking it, you can guarantee a crispier surface area. As the bacon cooks evenly on each side, you'll be left with perfect crunchy pieces, ideal for those who love their bacon extra crispy or even those who prefer to render most of the fat. Why not just experiment — there's an extensive list of bacon varieties you can use. Naturally, there's always a risk that the precious chopped bacon filling will fall out of the sandwich on the first mouthful, but you can always avoid this by mixing the bacon bits in with the mayonnaise.

Ready, set, BLT

If you're ready for the future and feeling adventurous, why not try leveling up other sandwich elements? If you want to start small, try grating a clove of fresh garlic into homemade or store-bought mayonnaise. Season with a bit of lemon, and this shortcut aioli will enhance the savory taste of your sandwich, pairing delightfully with the tomatoes. Likewise, if you're using smokey bacon, you can double down on those deeper smoked notes with a chipotle mayonnaise.

If you're still feeling more daring, why not elevate your sandwich game with fresh fruit? Instead of using tomatoes in your BLT, you can swap these out for strawberries. While this might sound like we're overstepping, remember strawberries and tomatoes are both sweet fruits. All you're changing is the type of sweetness. If you feel the strawberries will overpower the rest of the sandwich, try salting them first. As a bonus, you'll be pleased to hear that strawberries contain a higher level of vitamin C and manganese compared to tomatoes.