How To Open Tofu Without Making A Mess (It Sounds Impossible, We Know)

Tofu is a product made from soy milk that can serve as a great alternative to animal-based proteins. Along with its many essential nutrients (including protein, fiber, and assorted minerals), the food is also very versatile. Tofu can be pan-fried or baked, and works nicely in a wide variety of recipes, such as tacos, salads, and more.

When it comes to packaging, tofu is packed with water to prevent it from drying out before you open it. While water is essential for maintaining the appropriate moisture level and good texture, it can make opening tofu packs a bit challenging. Tofu enthusiasts routinely complain about the water inside the package, which has a tendency to splash all over the place. Additionally, many manufacturers make packs hard to open, which can lead to even more of a mess. Fortunately, there is a quick and easy way to open tofu packs without making your kitchen look like a hurricane blew through it. With just a knife, you can complete the task without getting soaked.

A simple strategy for dealing with tofu water

When it comes to cooking methods and techniques, the simplest solutions are usually the most effective. When opening tofu packs, you can minimize the watery mess by holding the package over the sink. Angle the package so it's vertically over the sink, and then make an incision at the top with a knife (this will help you avoid cutting into the tofu). Make sure the incision is large enough to allow the water to flow out of the pack easily.

Next, tip the pack until all of the water drains out into the sink. Once the pack is drained of all water, you can continue slicing it open or peel back the plastic to remove the tofu inside. At this point, you can remove the tofu you plan on using and rinse it under the faucet. Place it on a dry paper towel and blot it to remove any excess moisture. You'll likely have some tofu leftover after making your meal, so you must also be privy to the best storage practices.

Tofu storage tips to add to your cooking arsenal

Unopened tofu can last as long as the expiration date on the package. However, you must store opened tofu carefully to avoid spoilage. Tofu can last up to one week if refrigerated, provided you store it correctly. Place tofu in a container — preferably one with a lid that creates an airtight seal. If you don't have a lid, you can also use plastic wrap to cover the container. Before covering, add filtered water to the container to keep the tofu moist. Keep in mind that you should change the water on a daily basis.

If you want a longer timeline to eat your leftover tofu, you can use your freezer. In general, frozen tofu can last as long as three months. Freezing will result in a firmer texture, but the tofu can still be used in all the recipes you enjoy. Begin by cutting the tofu into pieces, and then place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place the baking sheet into the freezer until the tofu becomes solid, at which point it should be placed into some sort of airtight container and put back into the freezer. When it comes time to defrost the tofu, move it to the refrigerator until thawed. Now, you and your family can enjoy this versatile food without worrying about spoilage.