Is There Any Benefit To Freezing Uncooked Rice?

When it comes to keeping foods fresh, the freezer is a great tool for locking in nutritional value and preventing food from spoiling. In fact, according to Food Network, freezing your uncooked rice could actually extend its shelf life — which can be especially useful if you find yourself buying the grain in bulk, saving you money in the long run. 

You'll want to make sure that the rice is properly stored in an airtight container before placing it in the freezer. Once frozen, white rice will stay fresh in the freezer for years beyond its standard shelf life. In fact, Food Champs shares that frozen, uncooked white rice could stay fresh for up to 30 years in the freezer if it's correctly contained. Brown rice, on the other hand, contains oils that may cause the grains to spoil a little faster. Still, freezing brown rice could keep it fresh for up to a year and a half, allowing you plenty of time to use up the rice in plenty of dishes.

Additionally, freezing your rice can prevent any bacteria growth on the grains, and keep some unwanted pests away from your food.

Bacteria can grow in room temperature rice

If your rice isn't properly stored, it could put you at risk of illness. Uncooked rice is susceptible to carrying the Bacillus cereus spores, reports the NHS. Even after the rice is cooked, some of these spores can survive the boiling water, and they can grow into bacteria once the food cools down to room temperature. If it's ingested, that bacteria can cause food poisoning, and symptoms can onset as early as one hour after eating. Fortunately, freezing your rice can help prevent spore growth.

Though freezing may not kill the spores completely, the bacteria are directly impacted by the temperature at which the food is stored. Room temperature environments are where the bacteria are at the highest risk of developing. Enjoying your rice while it's hot and fresh will prevent the bacteria from growing, too, but storing the uncooked grains in the cold will add an extra layer of protection. Freezing your rice will prevent spores from growing before the bacteria begins to develop, ultimately lowering your risk of getting food poisoning.

Some sneaky insects could be hiding in your pantry

Aside from growing bacteria, rice stored at room temperature could play host to some unwanted guests: rice weevils. These insects make their homes in grain products and can lay eggs, all while eating through pieces of rice. Fortunately, freezing temperatures can take care of any potential problems. Keeping your rice frozen, even just for a few days, can kill any larvae or insects present in your rice.

Fortunately, even if you do accidentally ingest the bugs, they won't do much harm. They aren't known to carry diseases or cause illness. Still, if the idea of potentially eating bugs grosses you out, it's better to play it safe and toss your rice in the freezer. Once you're ready to cook it, you can give it a quick wash beforehand, making sure you thoroughly dispose of any potential insect invaders.

Ultimately, storing your uncooked rice in the freezer may be the best way to keep yourself safe from illness, and make sure you have plenty of rice ready to cook for a long time.