Get Ready For Spring With The Return Of 7-Eleven's Bring Your Own Cup Day

If you've wanted to turn your motorcycle helmet or Pringles can into a vessel for sipping Slurpees, 7-Eleven has just the surprise for you. On April 29, take the object of your choice, no matter the size, to a participating 7-Eleven (or Speedway or Stripes). Then, fill it with the Slurpee flavor of your choice for only $1.99.


The annual Bring Your Own Cup Day is a celebration of the start of Slurpee season, according to the purveyors of the classic frozen beverage. It's also an opportunity to try out their newest flavor. In addition to tried and true favorites like Coca-Cola, Blue Raspberry, and Cherry flavors, the convenience store will be offering a new variety, Fanta Dragon Fruit Zero Sugar. The sweet, refreshing treat is a fruity blend of watermelon, pear, and kiwi.

The day is sure to be a light-hearted way to welcome warmer weather and enhance the fun vibe of the frosty beverages. "We love seeing customers enjoy our products in fun ways – especially when it comes to our beloved, iconic Slurpee drink," said 7-Eleven Director of Proprietary Beverages, Ben Boulden.


Get creative with 7-Eleven's BYOC day

Boulden also said, "From cowboy boot to fishbowl...the more creative the cup, the better. We can't wait to see what our customers come up with this year."

Indeed, customers have gotten creative in the past. From sleds and swimming pools to fish tanks, a Barbie bathtub, hollow watermelons, and even a prosthetic leg, people have had no shortage of crafty ideas to replace a standard cup. 7-Eleven does offer a few tips for bringing your own container to fill. The Slurpee seller says to make sure that your "cup" can fit under the dispenser (which has 10 inches of clearance) and that the vessel is leakproof. 7-Eleven also requires that whatever you choose to use is clean — no one wants to get sick after drinking a Slurpee.


Are you not feeling up to the challenge of repurposing your work boots or coffee pot as a cup? No worries, you can still join in on the fun of 7-Eleven's annual holiday. On the same day, participating stores will also be selling small Slurpees for only $1 via the 7Now delivery app.

