Ever Wanted To Eat Grilled Cheese As A Dessert? Now You Can

When considering comfort foods, a few regulars come to mind, including grilled cheese. There's something about going to the fridge to get the butter or mayo to make a grilled cheese sandwich in a sizzling pan. The melting cheese is a reassurance that you'll soon be munching on something decadent and delicious. And, there's no wrong time for grilled cheese, but it's likely not the first thing that comes to mind when you're thinking about dessert.

Few things are more comforting than the nostalgic sandwich, but that doesn't mean it can't be transformed into a sweet treat. In fact, it's a great dessert option, especially when paired with America's other favorite — apple pie. It may sound out there, but the innovative combo is a play on a long-held regional tradition of eating apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese. Of course, not everyone agrees with this combination, but we think it's one worth trying, especially since it's easy to make at home.

Sharp cheddar and sweet apples make the best combination

We're firmly in the camp that apple pie and cheddar go together and are also the key to your next great grilled cheese. The blending of thick layers of gooey cheese with apples that have been brushed with cinnamon creates sweet and savory perfection. It's a sandwich of contradictions, but it's that contrast between flavors that makes it really special.

The key to this sandwich is preparing the apples. Start with crisp, tart apples, and make sure they are sliced thin. Put them in a pan on the stove along with cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter, and cook until they are soft and fragrant. Once you have your apples ready, remove them from the heat and prepare your grilled cheese as usual, adding a layer of fruit next to the cheese. Be careful not to overfill your sandwich to avoid a melty mess.

Apple pie with cheddar cheese has been popular a long time

The usual place you think of apples and cheddar hanging out together is on a cheese plate paired with wine. Apple pie and cheddar actually go way back as a combination. In America, it's a regional delicacy with varied histories and many attribute it to the cold New England state of Vermont, where it's served today. 

Its history actually begins across the ocean. The combination originated in 17th-century England when it became common to top pies with cheese. Specifically, apple pie was served with Wensleydale cheese in Yorkshire and that recipe is said to have crossed over to America with early settlers. Cheddar cheese-topped apple pie became a popular treat in the Midwest and Northeast, but it didn't take off in the Southern states, where the preferred pie topping is ice cream. Whatever your opinion on the unique combo, we think sweet caramelized apples are the key to maxing out your next grilled cheese.