All Jokes Aside, Mythical Kitchen's Burrito Secrets Are Worth Knowing

TikTok has no shortage of food and cooking content. If you're someone whose FYP is full of mouthwatering, food-related videos, you'd probably agree that this platform has proven to be one of the internet's best places for helpful hacks and tasty tips — each scroll more delicious than the last. 

Mythical Kitchen (@mythicalkitchen), a spin-off of the popular YouTube series Good Mythical Morning and hosted by kitchen enthusiast Josh Scherer, is one of TikTok's many favored cooking channels offering digestible, entertaining content about all things food. Josh and his friends are known for creating comical food shows like "Last Meals" and "Myth Munchers" and silly recipe content like the creation of a "$27,000 burger" using patties stuffed with a diamond-studded Rolex watch.

But sometimes, some truly valuable cooking knowledge is hidden within all the fun. And that's certainly the case with a recent video from Mythical Kitchen, where Josh shared five secrets for making the perfect burrito at home. So if you like burritos (and who doesn't?), listen up, because all five are worth knowing.

Five tips for the perfect at-home burrito

Josh starts the Mythical Kitchen TikTok video with burrito secret number one: griddling your tortilla. He explains that the hydrogenated oils in the tortilla will melt once heated, making it more pliable and thus easier to work with once you start building that burrito. His next tip is to add the cheese directly to the tortilla once you flip it, giving that hot tortilla a head start on melting it before anything else is added.

Once you evenly spread and stack the ingredients across the tortilla, it's time for secret number three. When it's time to roll up your tortilla, fold the sides inward first and then fold the bottom flap over them. From there, Josh recommends using your pinkies to tuck and roll the burrito as you fold everything together.

His fourth tip is all about searing the burrito for that final touch. Josh explains that the trick is to sear it fold side down, "that way the steam between the folds is actually going to hold the tortilla together so nothing's going to come apart." Final secret? Wrap that bad boy in aluminum foil. This marries the ingredients and softens the tortilla, trapping the heat and preserving its freshness while preventing any sogginess — ultimately creating the perfect burrito to bite into.

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Level up your homemade burritos

One of the best things about making burritos at home? You can create any concoction your heart desires. Mix things up with an unexpected ingredient like black bean soup, or spice things up with some extra heat from a homemade seasoning. Now that you have the secrets to at-home burrito success, here are some ideas to elevate your next burrito even further.

An excellent place to start: Think about your favorite sandwich and turn it into a burrito. Love buffalo chicken? Throw some crispy chicken nuggets and buffalo sauce inside your burrito. Into shrimp po'boys? Fill it with some cajun-seasoned shrimp, a zingy slaw, and a creamy sauce. And if you're a big breakfast person, you can always make it a breakfast burrito, which will never disappoint.

Another way to level up your burrito is to think outside the box (or, rather, the tortilla). You can smother it in a flavorful sauce, deep fry it for extra crunch, or even create a burrito blanket of crispy cheese by wrapping the entire burrito up in a melted cheese crust. Not enough cheese for you? Try using a quesadilla instead of a single tortilla to wrap everything up if you dare.