Food Inflation Is Changing The Game For First Date Dinners

For the past few years, food prices have steadily risen. A comparison between everyday grocery items from 2021 to 2022 shows the toll heightened food costs are taking on the average shopper. In 2021, a dozen eggs cost $1.79, while the same item cost $4.25 a year later. Butter, ground beef, whole milk, and numerous other foods experienced similar price hikes, which can be blamed on factors like lingering effects from the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and supply chain issues.

Rising grocery costs mean an increase in restaurant prices. During 2023, 87% of dining establishments raised their prices, and 59% of restaurants altered menu items. Of course, this means that diners face higher costs when eating out, which can deter them from visiting their once-favorite establishments. Food inflation has affected how people treat first dates, too. For new couples, going for dinner and drinks is a popular date idea. But the economic impact on dinner dates is so significant that an online dating site coined the phrase "infla-dating" to describe it.

What is infla-dating and what does it mean for your love life?

Plenty of Fish created the term, which included it in 2023's top dating trends. A video shared on TikTok describes infla-dating as the act of going on less expensive first dates due to the state of the economy. The theory goes that it doesn't make sense to drop $100 or more when you're not entirely sure whether you and the person will work out. When you add online dating into the mix — which often means a higher volume of first dates — costs can quickly become exorbitant.

For first dates, a whopping 48% of Gen-Zers and Millennials prefer activities that are easy on their budgets in the interest of prioritizing staples like groceries and essential goods. However, that doesn't mean your dates must be mind-numbingly austere or devoid of tasty foods. You can still enjoy a delicious meal on a first date — provided you get a little creative.

How to go on fun first dates without breaking the bank

There's no need to take your date to an insanely expensive restaurant to have fun. Picnic dates in a scenic park or other outdoor areas can be romantic while taking it easy on your finances. As for your picnic menu, you can't go wrong with a charcuterie selection consisting of meats, cheeses, crackers, and veggies. You can also pick up an affordable bottle of wine to wash down your delicious snacks. If the weather is not amenable, no worries! Simply relocate your scenic picnic inside to ensure optimum comfort and coziness.

If you and your date are fans of fast food, there's a way to make the experience a lot more amorous. Swing by the drive-thru of your favorite establishment before dusk to load up on goodies. Once you've made your selection, drive to a part of town that provides a beautiful view of the sunset. You and your date can enjoy your favorite casual fare in style while taking in one of the most gorgeous events in nature. These are just a few examples of how a little ingenuity goes a long way for both your budget and your love life.