Twitter Loved To See Dave Grohl Barbecuing For Unhoused People

From time to time, a celebrity might choose to use the weight of their hefty wallet for good. For example, Beyoncé has worked with UNICEF to support clean water projects in eastern Africa, and also helped fund a mobile squad of COVID-19 vaccine-carrying vans for the Black community of Houston. Rapper Meek Mill started the REFORM alliance, which helps incarcerated individuals who cannot afford bail.

Using your privilege and resources to help those in need is an objectively good thing to do. However, some feel that celebrity charity is merely an exercise in self-promotion. Of course, a famous person can bring extra attention to a charitable cause, but their contribution often comes with baggage. Recently, social media star and chef Salt Bae was called out for exploiting Turkey's food crisis with a brand video that showed him serving meals to the natural disaster victims of his food truck. Furthermore, celebrities are not versed in the complex business necessary to get their charitable endeavors off the ground, which can result in abandoned projects and wasted donation money.

Nevertheless, certain instances of celebrity generosity are utterly above reproach. Foo Fighters star Dave Grohl's charity cookouts have attracted positive attention from Twitter.

Dave Grohl's commitment to cooking and charity

Recently, Twitter user Liz Allman Seccuro posted a photo of a focused, bespectacled Dave Grohl grabbing hunks of pulled meat from a disposable chafing dish. In the caption beside the image, Seccuro explains that Grohl showed up unannounced to L.A.'s Hope the Mission with his beloved smoker in tow. Recently, historic snowfall has been buffeting Los Angeles, and the city is suffering greatly from the unseasonable winter weather.

After arriving at Hope the Mission, Grohl worked for over 24 hours. Speaking with Relevant Magazine, mission director Grace Ancheta remarked that Grohl worked at a frantic pace and was serious about serving quality food to everyone affected who came by for a hot meal, tinkering with seasonings, marinades, and cooking times to ensure the best meats. Apparently, all the fine-tuning was worth it — Ancheta said it was the best barbecue she had ever eaten. Grohl even stuck around after making meat to interact with fans.

Dave Grohl's affinity for barbecue is a blessing for the community

Dave Grohl seems to love barbecue almost as much as he enjoys making music. In an interview with Bon Appétit, the legendary musician explained that he fell in love with barbecue several years ago after suffering an accident on stage during a Foo Fighters show. Forced to spend months mending a broken leg, Grohl purchased a Green Egg smoker and became enamored with cooking mouth-watering cuts of meat.

Grohl was hosting massive barbecues in short order, but it wasn't until wildfires began to ravage California that he realized how he could use his stellar smoking skills for good. Having long moved past the relatively diminutive Big Green Egg, he brought his massive Lang grill to the scene of the natural disasters and doled out hundreds of pounds of meat to first responders.

Enlivened by his experience cooking for the brave firefighters, Grohl started Backbeat BBQ, a catering company focusing on charity. Backbeat BBQ has done work with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Most people probably know Dave Grohl from his long and storied musical career, but certain communities are feeling genuinely grateful for the chance to try some of his delicious barbecue.