What Is Jujube Fruit And What Does It Taste Like

It's no secret that incorporating fruit into your diet is crucial and beneficial to your health. Not only are fruits a source of nutrients and vitamins, but some fruits can also help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, among other benefits.

Over the years, many Americans have discovered and noshed on fruits that are new to them, but these fruits have actually been enjoyed for centuries in their place of origin, such as lychee, mangosteen, and pomelo. These fruits have gained popularity globally — even Princess Diana couldn't resist a bowl of lychee.

One particular fruit that is gaining traction is the jujube fruit. The first jujube trees were planted in America in the early 1900s by the United States Department of Agriculture. Jujube fruit isn't widely available at grocery stores, so your best bet to purchase the fruit is at Asian supermarkets. Before you head out to grab yourself some jujube fruit, here's what you should know about the fruit.

What is jujube fruit

Jujube fruit is a small, roundish fruit native to China and southern Asia. The jujube fruit is most popular in various regions in Asia, such as China, Korea, India, and Japan, as well as the Middle East. Sometimes called a red or Chinese date, the thinned-skin fruit is entirely edible down to its white flesh, but it does contain an inedible small pit. Though called a red date, jujube fruit can vary in color. The jujube fruit can look and taste like a tiny green apple. When dried, the fruit turns red and wrinkly and takes on a flavor similar to a date.

The fruit has been enjoyed and used in traditional medicine for over 3,000 years in China. In fact, the jujube fruit is considered one of the five most valuable fruits in China, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine. Jujube fruit traditionally has been used to destress as well as improve sleep and digestion. The low-calorie fruit is packed with nutrients and is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, according to WebMD.

How to eat jujube fruit

Not sure how to eat jujube fruit? Luckily, the fruit is very versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous ways. The fruit can be eaten raw but is most commonly eaten dried. Candied jujube fruit is a popular form of fruit. In fact, food historian Charles Perry tells Los Angeles Times that candy is a common snack at movie theaters "because people didn't want to cough and disturb their neighbors" as people believed jujube fruit can help soothe coughing and chest pain.

Dried jujube fruit can be infused in tea and jam or be put in cookies and cakes in place of raisins and dates. The fruit can be incorporated into savory dishes, such as hot pot and soup. You can do it all with the jujube fruit; it can be roasted, smoked, juiced, and even soaked in liquor. Spiked Korean cinnamon punch or sujeonggwa, anyone? Sujeonggwa is a drink typically made with jujube fruit, ginger, and cinnamon sticks.

Looking to buy fresh jujube fruit? Jujube fruit lasts for about three to four days at room temperature and for a couple of weeks if kept in a fridge. Dried berries can last for several months.