Nestlé To Showcase A New Lineup Of Eco-Friendly Foods At Expo West 2023

It's 2023, and sustainable food is in. Many food trends for the year center around sustainable growing, harvesting, and distribution of food products. 

Ethos named a whopping 10 food trends for 2023 that were based on sustainability, including the rise of Erewhon, a pricey but popular California-based grocery chain known for its all-natural, locally produced products. Plant-based fine dining options are on the rise as well, along with sustainably made wines and spirits and even cultivated meat, which grows biologically real meat by using animal cells. (It's essentially a way to produce meat without slaughtering animals.)

From removing plastic bags from stores to offering even more eco-friendly options, major brands are getting the memo and jumping on the sustainability bandwagon. In a Feb. 22 press release, Nestlé announced that several of its brands plan to showcase new, sustainably made food products at Expo West, a major food expo, in March.

Nestlé will unveil plenty of eco-friendly foods in 2023

Nestlé, a food giant that owns a number of everyday grocery store brands, announced in a Feb. 22 press release that it's introducing oat milk to its Natural Bliss brand. The milk blends oats with fava bean protein for a dairy-free milk alternative that hits store shelves in May. Beyond that, another Nestlé brand, California Pizza Kitchen, is introducing its newest cauliflower crust recipe: BBQ Chicken Frozen Pizza. Fans can expect that to hit shelves a month before the oat milk, in April.

Nestlé is also rolling out probiotics, veggie powder (its Vital Protein brand's Daily Greens powder hit the market in February), and new packaging on some of its products. Solgar, a vitamin brand, is introducing its first-ever probiotics line in April.

As for packaging, Nestlé's Sweet Earth brand is giving its product exteriors a makeover with a whole new look. The packaged entrées' contents will also get a refresh with the addition of "recipes to better reflect the needs of today's plant-based consumer," according to the release. No official date was announced for the Sweet Earth rollout, but consumers can be certain Nestlé is taking a big focus on eco-friendly options in 2023.