Heads Up: 7Up Just Updated Its Brand Design For The First Time In 7 Years

Whether it's a seven-year itch or just a sign of the times, the infamous uncola is ready to usher in a new look for its international sales division under PepsiCo. Although the U.S. beverage touts a simple 7Up taste, a new international campaign is bubbling up a vibrant, engaging concept that's the brand's first visual overhaul in seven years. According to a company announcement, the "New Get Up, Same 7Up" seeks to celebrate "UPliftment" both in the visual design and brand messaging.

Looking at this international campaign, the concept seems to be more than just refreshment poured into a glass. As PepsiCo Global Marketing arm suggests, the beverage wants to highlight uplifting moments that can happen every day. Blending comedic elements with unexpected experiences, the vibrant packaging looks to engage a wide breadth of international consumers. How 7Up will bubble up humorous moments with a positive message is unclear, but the overall slant seems to capture an effervescent take on life's little moments. The new packaging and campaign will be rolling out in Spring 2023 across global markets in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

Zero Sugar beverages bubble up a conversation on balanced lifestyle choices

As 7Up's global arm rebrands to include an "Upliftment" approach, the PepsiCo beverage brand is putting the Zero Sugar option of the uncola front and center. While the company touts that the Zero Sugar option has seen substantial growth over the past several years, the industry's choice to change from "diet" to "zero sugar" reflects a consumer preference. When diet soda started disappearing from store shelves in 2021, the Gen Z and Millennial influence was more about removing the descriptive word versus a change to the no-sugar beverage concept. As a PepsiCo executive told CNN at the time, the food company was leaning into the notion that consumers do not want to be labeled as being on a diet.

Recently, PepsiCo brands have put its Zero Sugar options front and center in the beverage conversation. The recent Pepsi Zero-Sugar Super Bowl ad gave consumers free soda to entice them to taste the difference. Consumers continue to want zero-sugar beverages that fit into their balanced lifestyle choices, but they do not necessarily want a negative connotation with that refreshment. As brands offer a positive spin on that lower-calorie alternative, it might have Mary Poppins singing a different tune about that spoonful of sugar.