A Mastery Of Nut Puns Is A Requirement For Planters NUTmobile Drivers

Every job has its own unique set of qualifications. In the modern world, the nuts and bolts of each person's day-to-day work have become hyper-specific. In all likelihood, most of you wouldn't be able to explain the basic steps of software engineering. Could you delve into the minutiae of the tax code, fix a malfunctioning combine during the harvest season, or pilot a passenger jet?

Odd jobs have an inherently strange set of qualifications. One temporary Sleep Junkie position – a cheese-eating gig that could store you $1,000 a day – requires candidates that are lactose-tolerant and sound sleepers, though these qualifications both directly pertain to the dairy dream study in question. The peculiar talent that Planters asks its prospective NUTmobile drivers to possess is a bit more abstractly related to the job itself, but said skill is a great way for Planters employees to prove that they're genuinely nuts about nuts.

Believe it or nut, NUTmobile drivers must be wordplay wizards

Though the deadline for applications expired on February 14, Planters, arguably the most ubiquitous purveyor of nuts in the country, decided to market their savory snack by giving a select few talented individuals the keys to the company's large, legume-shaped NUTmobile. To apply, potential drivers needed to send in the standard resume, cover letter, and a brief statement of intent. The role isn't just a glorified cashew chauffeur job. New NUTmobile will serve as brand ambassadors for Planters, extolling the virtues of peanuts and pecans at national events. 

Planters wanted applicants to be college educated, preferably in a field that could translate to a marketing-adjacent role. The only other qualification pertaining to the prospective candidates' abilities in the field of food phraseology — a NUTmobile driver, Hormel Foods feels, should possess a, "...proficiency in nut puns." While clever jokes may not directly translate to nut sales, a Planters brand ambassador can prove their affection for the salty snack by always having a clever cashew quip at the ready.

Nut puns in the marketing space

Crafting the perfect nut pun is a great way for these new Planters drivers to show their enthusiasm for the legume industry, but employing wordplay in a marketing setting could have impacts that go beyond mere entertainment for potential buyers. Understanding a clever pun requires a bit of thought, and can deeply engage a consumer's brain, making a particular product stand out in their mind. 

Of course, it's no secret that the company's monocle-clad public face Mr. Peanut absolutely adores a good joke. Many saw the dapper peanut face standing against a firing line of famous comedians and getting absolutely dry-roasted in a Planters ad for this year's Super Bowl. Don't let the top hat fool you — Mr. Peanut doesn't mind getting a little nuts from time to time. If all this talk of peanut puns has you wanting to whet your whistle with more wordplay, these kitchen puns are sure to make you giggle and groan.

In a post created for the company's official Instagram page, former Planters driver Grace tells us about her experiences traversing the United States in the notorious NUTmobile. She has nothing but good things to say about the experience, and fondly remembers the hectic travel schedule, free events, and content-creator collaborations.