The Internet Can't Decide What Jason Kelce Is Eating During Super Bowl 2023

It almost seems unbelievable, but the Super Bowl LVII is the first time two brothers have squared off against each other (per KCUR). Travis and Jason Kelce hold court on the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles, respectively, and both players are beloved by football fans for their demeanors on and off the field. Both have won previous Super Bowls, too; athletic prowess seems to be a family affair.

However, the Kelce brothers aren't afraid to participate in a little sibling rivalry. As reported by Fox News, the Kelces traded barbs on their shared podcast, with Travis proclaiming his brother "the enemy," and demanding "Don't try to shake my hand," on the field. Jason responded that he was now aware of his brother's game plan and would act accordingly. 

Despite his brazen words, no one could have anticipated the effect Jason's subtle yet pointed gesture would have on the internet.

Deep-diving into Jason Kelce's mystery snack

As illustrated by USA Today Sports, Jason Kelce is the picture of composure despite the intensity of the situation he's surrounded by. As brother Travis Kelce ties things up 7-7 after scoring the Kansas City Chiefs' first touchdown of the game, the camera cut to Jason on the bench. Instead of grimacing or expressing consternation, Jason appeared to be "unphased" and "unbothered" as he enjoyed some sort of delicious snack.

While most of the internet focused on the hilarity of the situation, others wanted to know exactly what Jason was eating. In a SportsCenter Twitter thread, one commenter wondered if Jason was eating a peanut butter Clif Bar. Another commenter claimed that it was likely a Fast Break, a type of Reese's candy bar. Quite a few people stated that he was eating a Gatorade bar. In fact, the official Gatorade Twitter account responded to SportsCenter's photo of Jason, calling the bar a "little snack."

Based on the wrapper, it looks like Jason was indeed eating a Gatorade bar. But the debate over his game day snack might just have been as thrilling as the game itself.

Even pro athletes may be prone to stress eating

Sportskeeda delved into the "controversy" surrounding Jason Kelce and his mid-game snack at the 2023 Super Bowl. After one game commentator quipped, "One brother scores, the other brother eats a snack," Twitter became ablaze with comments defending Jason's honor. As one person put it, "Both brothers are ELITE at their position." Bud Light also threw its pop-top into the ring, stating, "Both are enjoying the game in their own way." 

While the exact reason behind Jason's snack break remains a mystery, Sportskeeda posits that perhaps he was succumbing to a bit of stress and anxiety. (And any stress Jason experienced was rooted in reality, as his brother Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs were the victors of the Super Bowl LVII.)

Of course, Jason reacted as one might expect, telling his brother "F**** you, congratulations," just after the game had ended. The brothers were also seen embracing happily in a show of sibling unity. Fortunately for both brothers, mom Donna Kelce was on hand to provide more snacks during the historic football game. 

Chocolate chip cookies fit for Super Bowl royalty

While Jason Kelce's food-centric stunt and snarky congratulations caught a lot of attention, he and his brother Travis weren't the only members of their family making headlines during the 2023 Super Bowl. According to Insider, proud mom Donna Kelce was also recognized for her snacking prowess, i.e. the very special cookies she made for her boys (and their teammates) ahead of the big game. As explained by Mrs. Kelce, her pre-game ritual involves baking chocolate chip cookies, which she describes as providing "love from home." Donna is also well known for wearing a combination of both her sons' team colors, proving that the Kelce family has enough room for two football greats.

Mrs. Kelce even shared her special recipe with Insider, and it includes quite a few tasty surprises. For instance, the football mom uses one cup of cake flour in addition to a cup of conventional flour. Donna also swears by melting the butter slightly before incorporating it into the mix, which makes for a "creamier" texture. A touch of cinnamon imbues the cookies with a more complex flavor, while the combination of white and milk chocolate chips ensures "variety." 

With Donna boasting to Insider that her cookies are beloved among Jason and Travis' teammates, it's clear where the Kelce brothers get their cheery confidence.