11 Foods That Oprah Absolutely Loves

Whether you have followed her because of her long-running talk show, her weight loss journey and subsequent food line, or the media empire that she has built for decades, there is no denying that Oprah Winfrey is the queen of just about everything she sets her mind to. With such a devoted fan following, she is pretty open about what excites her and what she is interested in, so much so that people look forward every year to Oprah's Favorite Things, where she shares her top picks for gift ideas during the holiday season.

One of Oprah's favorite things — that she has never shied away from — is food. Even while she was the spokesperson for WeightWatchers, Oprah maintained that we should all be able to enjoy the foods we love. But what foods does Oprah herself love, exactly? We dug deep, looking at past interviews and her own social media, to find out exactly what the media star loves, and what you are likely to find in Oprah's kitchen on any given day.

1. Bread

Carbohydrates are a weakness for many of us, and we are often encouraged to cut back on them, especially when they are processed, for the betterment of our health. But that does not stop Oprah Winfrey from indulging in one of her favorite things, so long as it is enjoyed in moderation. In what became perhaps one of her most famous TV moments, Oprah once professed her love of bread in a commercial for WeightWatchers (now known as WW), saying that she eats it every day. She doubled down on her obsession with bread on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan by saying out loud what many of us feel: "my body wants bread." And to echo Kelly Ripa, whose body doesn't?.

And, just like us, Oprah has specific kinds of bread that she gravitates to more than others. In an interview with Us Weekly, Oprah shared that her bread of choice is a specific seeded bread that she finds in South Africa. When she travels there, she makes sure to stock up on well over a dozen loaves that she can store and toast up at a later time.

2. Black-eyed pea stew

If you were to visit Oprah Winfrey's house on her birthday (if you do, by the way, please bring us as your plus one!), you would more than likely be treated to some of her favorite foods. On a recent birthday, Oprah shared her meal of choice for celebrating — one of her all-time favorite dishes, black-eyed pea stew. Black-eyed peas are a food often associated with good luck, especially in the South, and it seems like Oprah likes to include it in her meal planning whenever she has the opportunity.

For Oprah's birthday in 2018, she shared a video of her birthday meal on her Instagram, featuring black-eyed pea stew, paired with rosé and cornbread, of course. The meal truly reflects her southern roots, having been partially raised in rural Mississippi (per The Kennedy Center). So whether you are planning a meal for Oprah's birthday or for New Year's Eve, be sure to include copious amounts of black-eyed peas.

3. Seafood

There are many benefits to a diet that includes seafood. While not all seafood is created equal — and there are some varieties of fish and shellfish that you may want to avoid – in general, seafood is loaded with vitamins and nutrients (via Healthline). As a key part of any balanced diet, it makes sense that Oprah is all in on seafood.

When sharing her tricks for weight loss in 2016, Oprah mentioned seafood as her "friend" when looking for more ways to eat healthier (via Today). She noted that her new favorite kind of fish to eat is barramundi. She also pointed out that you can eat a ton of shrimp without racking up on WW points. Higher on the points scale are fish like sea bass and salmon (via People), but in general, seafood became a central part of what Oprah describes as a lifestyle change when she embarked on her weight loss journey.

4. Jicama

Jicama is a starchy root vegetable that resembles a potato and can be prepared and eaten in a number of different ways. Originally from Mexico, it can be eaten raw, but it can also be fried, baked, boiled – you name it, you can probably prepare jicama that way. Thanks to this versatility, it makes for a good substitution if you want to incorporate less processed carbs and more vegetables into your daily diet. So it should come as no surprise that Oprah simply loves the ingredient.

When discussing her weight loss tricks in 2016, Oprah shared that jicama is a great way to satisfy a crunchy snack craving instead of reaching for a bag of potato chips (via Today). Jicama contains a sweet, nutty flavor, so it is a great healthy option that won't taste too bland or make you feel like you are depriving yourself of anything tasty. Keep an eye out for jicama the next time you are in the grocery store, and keep in mind that it may also be stocked under a different name, like yam bean, Mexican turnip, or Mexican potato (via USDA).

5. Cauliflower mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a true comfort food staple, with savory ingredients and toppings to satisfy any starchy craving. But as tasty as they are, mashed potatoes are best enjoyed in moderation. So in this modern world of vegetable substitutes, many have turned to mashed cauliflower as a healthy side dish that is loaded with nutrients you will not find in potatoes.

Oprah loves to swap in her mashed cauliflower when tracking WW points. She has confessed that when she is expecting a crowd, she will sneak one potato into the mashed cauliflower mix for that extra bit of creaminess (via Today). She even shares this tip on her website if you are looking for ideas on what to feed your guests or your family for dinner. If you are familiar with Oprah's O, That's Good! lineup of food products, which are available to purchase at many grocery stores, then you might even know that her premade, heat-and-serve mashed potato dish is made with the addition of cauliflower.

6. Pasta

Who doesn't love a large bowl of pasta? Whether you stock up on the stuff because of its versatility, its affordability, or simply because it's absolutely delicious, there is no denying that pasta is a popular meal of choice for many. And this fan-favorite carb is also a top pick for Oprah, so we can all rest assured that she is indeed just like us.

Oprah shared with People Magazine that if she could choose her last meal on earth, it would be pasta. In fact, she said she would fill her entire final week with pasta (and we have a feeling she's probably not alone in that choice). And while any good bowl of pasta will fit the bill, Oprah has specific kinds that she seeks out when enjoying it at home. For her Favorite Things roundup in 2022, Oprah selected Crocchi, a colorful, croissant-shaped pasta made by the brand Salty Seattle as one of her top pasta picks (via Seattle Refined).

7. Fruits and vegetables from her own garden

If you follow Oprah Winfrey on Instagram, then you probably have seen the larger-than-life produce that she picks on a regular basis from her garden and then incorporates into her meals. In 2020, Oprah shared a video of an enormous head of cabbage that was grown in her garden. And she emphasized that not a single chemical was involved to help it grow to that size.

So it is understandable that Oprah has no need to purchase fruit or vegetables in the grocery store. She also noted on a 2019 appearance on "The Daily Show" that certain produce like avocados simply cost too much, so she opts to grow them in her own yard. She even travels with the avocados, along with her own bread, so she can enjoy avocado toast at hotels without having to splurge. Though if we are being honest, we have a sneaking suspicion that Oprah could afford to purchase avocados if absolutely necessary.

8. Truffles

Once a rarely-seen ingredient in restaurants, truffles and truffle oil have come into popularity in recent years, especially in the abundance of truffle french fries you now see on menus across the country and beyond (via The Guardian). The unique and bold flavor is a great way to season a dish, though truffles are still admittedly a pricey member of the edible fungus family.

Oprah simply adores truffles, and we cannot blame her. She has even gone hunting for truffles in Umbria, Italy, with her bestie Gayle King, using dogs trained specifically to sniff them out (via People Magazine). In fact, Oprah was sent the largest truffle found in Umbria in 2022 as a gift, weighing in at a whopping two pounds – that's a lot of truffle (via Instagram). After listing off all of the various ways her and her team of chefs can use the truffle, Oprah promised to share the leftover pieces with her friends and neighbors (but only those who seriously love truffle, she added). Oprah even included a truffle oil starter pack on her Favorite Things list in 2022. Needless to say, Oprah is big on truffles.

9. Cornbread

Whether you eat it as an appetizer, side dish, or as a dessert, cornbread is a guilty pleasure for many of us, including Oprah. Striking the perfect balance of sweet and savory, cornbread is one of her absolute favorite foods, so much so that she included it in her birthday meal along with a bowl of black-eyed pea stew. She shared in a video on Instagram that she went ahead and had extra slices because it was her birthday (and we don't blame her!). This staple southern dish is likely a long-time favorite of the media queen.

Oprah also shared that her love of cornbread is made extra sweet when it is enjoyed with her long-term partner Stedman Graham. Food Network shared that Oprah's ideal date night is all about her favorite things to eat, and that includes cornbread. Bonus points when she prepares it herself for Stedman. Okay, we are going to need to try out that cornbread recipe, Oprah.

10. Popsicles

On a hot summer day, nothing beats a homemade popsicle. While there are plenty to find in the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, making your own popsicles gives you the ability to customize the flavor to your exact liking. Not to mention the fact that popsicles are a great low-calorie dessert or snack option to enjoy with far less guilt than a heavy ice cream sundae. Delicious and guilt-free are signature trademarks of Oprah's favorite things to eat, so it is no surprise that popsicles are high on her list.

Oprah shared on Instagram that she considers the summer season to be over when her homemade popsicles are all gone, and heading into Labor Day Weekend in 2020 she still had plenty to enjoy, with flavors like strawberry banana and even margarita stashed in her freezer. That is quite the feat considering she claimed she enjoyed a homemade popsicle every single day all season long. With what is likely hundreds of homemade popsicles prepped each summer, it is clear that they're a favorite of Oprah's.

11. Tequila and wine

An exquisite meal is made only that much more memorable when it comes with a tasty beverage to accompany it. Alcohol may not be a food, but it is still an absolute favorite of Oprah's to enjoy on special occasions. She told Us Weekly that she will splurge on her WW points with shots of tequila and a glass of wine, specifically, as her two adult beverages of choice. And she shared on Instagram that she even makes her own sangria (with fruits plucked right out of her garden, we are sure). She has also been known to enjoy a good Moscow Mule.

Her own handmade drinks aside, Oprah also loves to support her celebrity friends' brands of alcohol, too. Oprah once joked that her house rule for guests is that they cannot come without a shot of tequila, but Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson took that seriously by bringing his own Teremana Tequila to her house to try – and she ended up loving it (via Food Network). Basically, Oprah knows how to have a good time, and it all comes down to good food and great drinks to pair with meals.