What Country Produces The Most Watermelon?

Watermelon is just as refreshing as it is delicious. It's an incredibly versatile fruit, too. In its whole form, it's the perfect snack, but it also makes a great addition to desserts, salads, and even cocktails.

According to Wisconsin.gov, watermelon was first popularized after being discovered in Africa in the 1800s, but it has likely been grown for as many as 4,000 years. It was introduced to the United States back in the 1500s, when the Spanish brought it over by boat. Since then, it's become a key fruit, especially because its water content helps with hydration.

People in the United States love their watermelon. Statista reports that, on average, each American consumes roughly 14-16 pounds of watermelon per year. Despite often being able to find watermelon at local markets, the U.S. is nowhere near the largest producer of the fruit. But who is, and where does our country rank?

China produces the most watermelon of any country

According to World Atlas, China produces an average of 79.2 tons of watermelon each year, mostly in the Gansu province, due to its climate. Penn State Extension explains that watermelons thrive in a climate ranging from 65 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, with no frost throughout the crop's growing duration. Soil matters, too, with a recommended pH of 5.5 to 6.6.

Chinese news outlet People.cn reports that watermelon is a $290 billion industry in the country. Most of the watermelon produced in China is also consumed in China, with the Chinese population eating about 70 million tons of the fruit per year as of 2019. (Believe it or not, watermelons are popular hostess gifts, too.)

No other country compares when it comes to watermelon production. World Atlas reports that Turkey produces the second-most watermelons, measuring only 3.9 million tons — staggeringly lower than China.

The U.S. ranks seventh in watermelon production

If you're shopping at your local farmers' market during the summer months, it's likely you'll come across locally grown watermelon. The U.S. ranks seventh in global watermelon production, so it's easy to shop local when it's in season. According to World Atlas, the United States grows roughly 1.8 trillion tons annually.

Watermelon season varies depending on the state. In California, watermelons are in season from July-November. But cooler states like Maine see peak season in August and September. States with average warmth, such as New Jersey, see about three months of watermelon season in August, September, and October.

TrendEconomy reports that the United States purchases much of its watermelon supply from outside the country, likely to keep up with demand. The U.S. imports the most watermelon from Mexico and Guatemala, though it also receives a small amount of the fruit from Canada and Portugal.