What Exactly Is The Infamous 'Forbidden Glizzy' Menu Hack At Costco?

Ask any person what they know about Costco, and most will probably talk about food samples or the food court. While Costco memberships offer many benefits, getting to use the food court apparently ranks pretty high among Costco customers. With affordable prices, Costco aficionados regularly flock to the food court to nosh on pizza slices, hot dogs, and ice cream. Costco's food court prices are notoriously cheap — its co-founder reportedly threatened to kill the CEO if he raised the $1.50 price tag of its hot dog and soda combo (via Today).

Costco isn't new to being a place where people invent food hacks and mashups, especially with how affordable the menu is. While enjoyable on their own, some consumers have gotten creative and decided to fuse together Costco's signature menu offerings. For instance, one recent hack took the internet by storm. TikTok user @twistytowertowercrane demonstrated rolling up a hot dog into a slice of pizza, creating a hot dog-stuffed pizza. Many users, such as @actorevanb pointed out the hack resembled the "cheesy blaster" from the NBC series "30 Rock."

Looking for more hacks after trying the hot dog-stuffed pizza? Another Costco hack has the internet ablaze and shouldn't cost you more than $6 (via Los Angeles Times).

What is the 'forbidden glizzy?'

The first thing that may pop up in your head upon hearing this mash-up is, "What exactly is a 'forbidden glizzy?'" As writer Trung Phan noted on Twitter, the "forbidden glizzy" is one of the latest internet fascinations.

A "forbidden glizzy" is a Costco hot dog stuffed inside a chicken bake ("glizzy" is slang for hot dog). As SFGate reported, Costco's chicken bake is filled with grilled chicken chunks, Caesar dressing, green onions, and cheese — an "elevated Hot Pocket," if you will. It's probably a thing that the combination is not technically forbidden, as you can simply make yourself a "forbidden glizzy" by ordering a hot dog and chicken bake separately.

The next few steps are critical to successfully creating the "forbidden glizzy." As Reddit user Siphen_Fraud explained in the comments, after purchasing each item, you next need to bite both ends of the chicken bake in order to create holes for the hot dog. After accomplishing this tasty task, slide the hot dog into the chicken bake, and voila, you have the "forbidden glizzy." Now, you can enjoy melodic bites of chicken, pork, and cheese.

The glizzy gets mixed reactions

Reactions to the Costco creation have been mixed on social media. On Reddit, under a post about the concoction, more than a few Costco customers admitted to being perplexed by the new trend. In fact, one user went so far as to denote the sandwich as an apocalyptic omen, referring to it as "one of the four horsemen of the imminent demise of civilized societies." In another comment, a movie fan quoted a line from Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) in 1993's "Jurassic Park": "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

Something tells us the results of this new trend won't be nearly as catastrophic as those in the Steven Spielberg film. Notably, these warnings against the hot dog and chicken bake combination didn't seem to scare everyone away. For example, u/Rasmo420 suggested taking the hack to the next level. "Wrap a slice of cheese pizza around that bad Larry and you've got yourself a meal," they commented. In a separate Reddit post, u/SatsuiNoHadou_ shared that the "forbidden glizzy" was "sensational."

However, some weren't too impressed upon trying the "forbidden glizzy" themselves. On TikTok, user @yucking_ shared that he is not a fan of Costco's chicken bake and that even with adding extra meat to it, the item was still too bready for their liking. If the "forbidden glizzy" is too daunting to try, might we suggest sticking to indulging in the Costco hot dog and chicken bake individually?