The Financial Reason So Many Restaurants Are Closed On Mondays

Like many other industries, restaurants experience ebbs and flows when it comes to the volume of business they receive. As explained by Bizfluent, certain times of the year tend to be a lot busier than others. People tend to be more active in pleasant weather, so many dining establishments see a boost from April to August (per The Houston Chronicle). This time period is especially busy in areas that see many tourists, as travelers are more likely to check out new destinations during the spring and summer. On the other hand, major holidays, such as Thanksgiving, are usually very slow for most restaurants. While it's not the case for everyone, the majority of people tend to stay at home and prepare meals for their loved ones on these occasions.

Certain days of the week are also a lot slower than others. This usually includes Mondays and Tuesdays, which typically see the lowest volume of customers as compared to other days of the week. When faced with less busy days, restaurant owners must make strategic decisions to keep sales robust. This explains why customers often find their favorite establishments unexpectedly closed early in the week.

Much like Garfield, restaurants hate Mondays

Providing further insight into weekly restaurant schedules, Mental Floss notes that it's generally accepted that Monday is the slowest day of the week at most dining establishments. As for why this occurs, industry insiders posit that most customers visit their favorite establishments from Thursday through Sunday. Once Monday rolls around, people usually scale back on going out to save money. Keep in mind that Monday closures aren't usually a thing at chain establishments, such as fast food restaurants, as they have the funds to remain open all week long.

For small businesses, opening on Mondays would likely bring in some customers, but there might not be enough of them to offset operating costs. As a result, many owners opt to close on slower days of the week to keep their budgets balanced and their bottom lines healthy (per Restaurant Business Online). Additionally, closing on Monday is also beneficial for establishments with fewer staff members. Monday closure gives the team a break and ensures they report to work Tuesday fully prepared to serve customers to the best of their ability. In addition to carefully planning off days, dining establishments can also take other steps to increase their profits.

Strategies for restaurant success

The right approach can help food-based businesses overcome natural lulls and ensure earnings remain robust. In this case, offers some smart tips on how restaurants can enhance their profits and strive toward financial success. When customers love an establishment's menu but don't necessarily feel like dining out, delivery options ensure they can still patronize their favorite restaurants. Similarly, ensuring the establishment is accessible online via websites and social media provides a direct line to customers.

In addition to attracting new customers, successful businesses must also work to keep the customers they currently have. Loyalty and rewards programs are ideal in this respect, as they benefit patrons who support your business the most. Staff members also play a crucial role in the customer's dining experience, so it's important that they create a kind and welcoming atmosphere from start to finish (per Sculpture Hospitality). By taking these steps, restaurants can enjoy an increase in profits while patrons will be privy to an unforgettable dining experience.