The Bulk Mixed Nuts You Should Never Pick Up At Costco

Costco has worked for decades to become a brand with a cult-like following. Ever since the popular warehouse club opened its first location in a former airplane hangar in 1976, it has found unique ways to cut costs for its members and promote a unique level of brand loyalty.

Seeking Alpha reports that Costco has a 91% annual member renewal rate thanks to the many ways it keeps customers coming back. There is the legendary Costco food courtthe $4.99 rotisserie chickens, and the establishment's consistently well-stocked shelves of good-quality wines and liquors. Then there are, of course, the obvious benefits of the countless tips and tricks for getting the best deals when you shop at Costco.

This kind of brand loyalty can make it seem as if this bulk grocery store can do no wrong, but there are some items that just don't hold up as well when they're sold in bulk. Don't get us wrong, there are a few foods you need to always buy whenever you go to Costco, but there are also some items that you should always skip.

The nuts to skip at Costco

If 2020 taught the world anything, it's that you should always buy toilet paper and other home essentials in bulk. You don't always need the largest size of certain items though. Insider reports that one of the items you should skip when you shop at Costco is its two-and-a-half pound containers of roasted, salted nuts. Nuts can be a healthy snack because they are loaded with nutrition, but they also don't hold up as well over time once they've been roasted.

Instead, Insider recommends opting for the unroasted variety of mixed nuts. These nuts are going to keep better, and save you money in the long run by cutting down on food waste. It's also worth pointing out that any mixed nuts are going to invite selective grazing from some household members. In most houses, that means that you'll end up with a half-empty jar of brazil nuts that others have chosen to pass on. Go for single variety packs of almonds, cashews, or whatever nut you prefer instead.

Why roasted nuts degrade so quickly

As Insider points out, the problem with buying roasted nuts in bulk is that they tend to degrade in quality more quickly than unroasted nuts. This is due in large part to their abundance of natural oils and fats. Healthline points out that many of the beneficial oils and fats found in the nuts begin to break down and oxidize when exposed to heat and dry air for long periods of time. These are the exact conditions that nuts are put into when they are roasted. This means that not only are some of the beneficial nutrients lost during the roasting, but they will likely spoil more quickly as well.

Healthy Food Guide says that roasted nuts should be eaten within a few weeks of roasting even when they've been stored correctly. Any longer, and you're bound to start encountering nuts with a foul smell and taste due to the rancid oils. Unroasted nuts, on the other hand, can last up to six to 12 months when stored in airtight containers and kept in a cool, dark place. So, if you're going to be buying your nuts in bulk, it's best to ensure that they are still raw.