The Incredible Han Solo Sculpture One Bakery Made Using Only Bread

Han Solo, Harrison Ford's devil-may-care character from "Star Wars," captured more hearts than just Princess Leia's when the first movie hit theaters in 1977. Yes, the roguish pilot of the Millennium Falcon and friend to Wookies remains a fan-favorite among the franchise's devotees, likely due to his quick sarcastic wit, good looks, and bad boy image. His courageous acts of heroism likely didn't hurt either. 

While Solo managed to get himself trapped in a layer of carbonite in "The Empire Strikes Back," it seems that this was not the sole attempt to preserve this favorite Star Wars character's likeness. Madame Tussauds in London currently boasts a spookily lifelike image of Solo in the Cantina as he confronts Greedo, a deceptive bounty hunter employed by Jabba the Hutt. Star Wars Fandom adds that his waxy image once posed in Berlin's Madame Tussauds as well alongside his beloved Princess. Clearly, Han Solo has become accustomed to seeing his likeness carved in wax, but he can now add a whole new medium to his repertoire. He has recently been immortalized in bread. 

Han Solo's bread shrine weighs 350 pounds

The mother and daughter team behind California's One House Bakery are quite adept at turning dough into iconic images. The Washington Post reveals that the team that once used their baking skills to create a "Game of Thrones" ice zombie and a baby Yoda have now concocted a six-foot tall rendition of Han Solo trapped in carbonite. They aptly have named him "Pan Solo." 

What sparked this endeavor? According to the Los Angeles Times, Catherine Pervan and her daughter, Hannalee, wanted to create an entry for Benicia, California's annual scarecrow contest. After toying over ideas like R2-D2 and "Little Shop of Horrors'" Audrey, they decided upon this Solo image as it is both iconic and fits better in the bread oven. Hannalee is roughly Harrison Ford's height and served as a model for the sculpture which involved a thick layer of yeast-free bread dough that ends up "like a rock." After piecing together layer after layer and setting it with a heat gun, the Post admits the duo paid special attention to getting Solo's "luscious lips" and the intricacies of his hands just right. 

The 350-pound final product has been embraced by the public, the LA Times reveals, with people sniffing him and posing for pictures. So what will this talented duo tackle in the future? They have hinted that the next big project may have a Marvel theme. A tribute to Groot, perhaps? Only time will tell.