Turns Out, Mountain Dew Kickstart Is A Winner

Remember that Hi-C punch-tasting "morning energy drink" from Mountain Dew, called Kickstart? Apparently, you're the last person in the world who's not buying it — because Kickstart has been a total win for PepsiCo. 

Food Navigator reports that PepsiCo execs revealed that within the year the company released Kickstart, the "flavored sparkling juice beverage made from concentrate" with 92 milligrams of caffeine, has generated more than $100 million in sales. And obviously, the execs are pretty excited about it and may just launch more Kickstart-like drinks to target that ever-popular demographic, the millennials. Oh, and that Kickstart may replace coffee as the millennials' morning beverage of choice (but really, that's a lofty goal — everyone needs coffee). PepsiCo VP Zein Abdalla said at a recent conference in Boston that he could see the "Kickstart Your Day" theme move into "Kickstart Your Night," which we guess could mean relaxation beverages. While Kickstart's numbers mean great things for PepsiCo, there's been no word on just how well that Taco Bell's Mountain Dew "breakfast cocktail" is doing. 

In other news, PepsiCo submitted a patent application in June for a Chinese herbal supplement that could relieve fatigue and amp up sports performance without loads of caffeine. As experts note, it may be that PepsiCo is looking to rely a ilttle less on caffeine while energy drinks, and the dangers of caffeine, continue to dominate the headlines.