Girl Eat World: Meet The Woman Who Travels The World Eating Unique Foods In Every Country She Visits

An Indonesian designer who's now living in Singapore, Melissa Hie has taken Instagram by storm by posting snapshots of unique food framed by a distinctive location under the handle "GirlEatWorld." Her travels have taken her to Australia, France, Canada, India, and many other countries – 31 in all, according to the Daily Mail. Hie has been sampling the world's cuisine in some of its most picturesque locations for the last 16 months, and it all started because her friend snapped a photo of her eating a sandwich in front of the Roman Colosseum. If you're an aspiring cuisine blogger or travel-loving foodie, tag your Instagram photos using #GirlEatWorld for the chance to be featured on Hie's popular account.

She's had Hello Kitty dim sum in Hong Kong...


Coconut ice cream in Malaysia...


Chocolate heart candy in Australia...


Baozi (steamed meat bun) at the Great Wall of China...


A gingerbread man in London...


And many other snacks in iconic locations.