Snackshot Of The Day: Classic Margarita

The Daily Meal's editors, contributors, and readers dig into some pretty great restaurants, festivals, and meals. There's not always enough time to give a full review of a restaurant or describe in depth why a place, its food, and the people who prepare it are noteworthy, so Snackshot of the Day does what photographs do best, rely on the image to do most of the talking.

Today's Snackshot is of a classic margarita. Happy Margarita Day y'all! Ignore the fact that it's February and you probably have a puffy coat on, or within 10 feet of, you. So what it's windy as hell and probably less than freezing? Don't let the weather man get you down. Grab your tequila and Triple Sec and lime and salt and kitchy margarita glasses, turn the heat way up, and look at pictures of the beach. Close enough, right?

Read more about The Daily Meal's Snackshot feature. To submit a photo, email jbruce[at], subject: "Snackshots."

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