Zucchini Chips
Zucchini Chips
Potato chips are extremely dangerous to your weight-loss goals because it is almost impossible to only eat one serving. How many times have you found yourself staring at an empty bag of chips with greasy, salty fingers wondering what just took place? Because of their crunch and high fat content, chips are quite addictive, and popping open a bag will usually lead to mindless munching. This is a dangerous habit because most potato chips are very high in sodium and trans fats like partially hydrogenated oils. Also, many contain genetically engineered ingredients that could be detrimental to your overall health. Before you know it, you will start to see the backlash on your backside. Instead of trying to challenge the chips to a portion control duel, my advice is to not even pick up the bag in the first place. Instead, bake up a few batches of these baked veggie chips and go to town! This recipe is provided by Jennifer Leah Gottlieb.

- 1 medium to large zucchini
- 1 tablespoon olive oil or melted coconut oil
- seasonings of your choice. jennifer suggests paprika, turmeric, sea salt, pepper, garlic, and/or parmesan
- Preheat oven to 225 degrees F. Thinly slice the zucchini.
- Place the zucchini slices onto a baking sheet lined with Silpat or parchment paper.
- Lightly drizzle olive oil over top, or spray with olive oil spray.
- Sprinkle seasonings of choice over the zucchini slices.
- Depending on your oven, bake for 35-45 minutes, keeping an eye on them so they don’t burn. When done, remove chips from baking sheet and place them on a plate and let cool.