Australia Creates Its Own In-N-Out Spinoff, Down-N-Out

In-N-Out is (sort of) coming back to Australia in the form of an unofficial two-week pop-up that pays tribute to the original. The pop-up is the work of a group called Hashtag Burgers which puts on burger-related events, including Funk-N-Burgers events which pay tribute to famous burgers such as the Big Mac, the Whopper, and White Castle sliders, details Mashable.

At Down-N-Out, open June 8 through June 21, guests can order a Double Double with the option of having it served "tiger style" with "mustard-cooked patties, pickles, extra Thousand Island spread, and grilled onions." Bacon can also be added, and vegetarians have the option of ordering a soy-based "fake meat" patty.

In-N-Out "purists" will notice that Down-N-Out's burgers are bigger than the original. Ben Kagan from Hashtag Burgers says, "We don't want to just rip it off, we wanted to make it a substantial burger."

Check out our guide to shipping an In-N-Out burger across the country, if you're up for the challenge.