Mom's Savory Dutch Baby With Chorizo Recipe
Mom's Savory Dutch Baby With Chorizo Recipe
This one is purely from my Mom's imagination: a savory Dutch baby with chicken and chorizo. Sounds like an illegitimate child, I know — like I just discovered I have a long-lost Dutch half-brother. Let me explain. So the Dutch baby is a version of a German pancake, right? It's usually made with eggs, flour, milk, vanilla, and topped with confectioner's sugar. It's sweet and often served at breakfast as noted in these traditional approaches.Mom, chicken, and chorizo on a breakfast pancake? What's going on! "I just had a hankering for this," she explained. "I just thought it would be good." But where did the inspiration even come from? "I saw it on Cook's Country TV, and I've been fascinated with it ever since. I combined two recipes, one from, the other from Food into one of my own."I shouldn't have been surprised; my mother is notorious for cutting down on sugar in recipes, usually for better effect. But I was skeptical about this idea at first — I mean, it's a chicken pot pie with chorizo on a breakfast pancake. But I tried it, and it was really good. There was still a little sweetness — a touch that accented the flavors of the chicken and chorizo. It's different and not as heavy as your run-of-the-mill chicken pot pie.And hey, why shouldn't it work? Think chicken and waffles. Wafels & Dinges has been doing a wafel with BBQ pulled pork for a while. Maybe Mom's on the cutting edge. Nice one, Mom.Click here to see Recipe SWAT Team: Chorizo
