McDonald's Deep-Fried Macaroni Seafood Salad Burger Returns

The Gurakoro Burger, a deep-fried macaroni seafood salad burger is a mouthful to order and eat, but the regulars at McDonald's Japan are welcoming back the seasonal sandwich.

See The Best Fast-Food You Can't Get Here Slideshow

What, exactly, makes the Gurakoro Burger so unique? For starters, it replaces the conventional meat patty with a creamy shrimp and macaroni salad filled, deep-fried korokke (Japan's take on the croquette). The crunchy-on-the-outside, gooey-on-the-inside sandwich is topped with lettuce, demi-glace, and an optional slice of American cheese.

The Gurakoro Burger is just one of many fast-food items overseas that have us feeling at times perplexed but mostly envious. At competitor Burger King Japan, they are selling pumpkin burgers and temporarily offering an all-you-can-eat Whopper and French fries buffet.

With unusual items popping up on fast-food menus around the world, you can't help but wonder what's next at our favorite fast-food restaurants outside of the U.S.

Tayler Stein is a Junior Writer at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @TaylerSteinTDM