What Really Comes With In-N-Out's Ultimate Animal-Style Fries
For many, In-N-Out is the gold standard fast-food burger chain. The exclusive nature, due to its relatively small number of locations nationwide and its demand for high-quality, ultra-fresh ingredients, have earned it a dedicated following. People make a special point to stop at In-N-Out on vacations or will often drive many miles out of the way just for a burger and fries. Their menu is small and done well, consisting of burgers, fries, and milkshakes mainly.
But there also exists a not-so-secret menu that you can actually find on their website. This consists of things like the 3X3 which is three burgers and three slices of cheese or perhaps one of the more well-known secret menu items: animal style. You can order both your burger and fries animal style, but you can take things even one step further and order your fries ultimate animal style. So what would that entail?
Animal style
The secret menu at In-N-Out is so well known, it really isn't a secret, but referring to it that way makes you feel like you're part of a secret club or you're just in the know. Of all the In-N-Out special orders, animal style is one of the most frequently ordered and recognized. Ordering your burger animal style comes with a few tweaks to the glorious, regular burger. The patty (or patties) come grilled in mustard, for a really nice crust and a little extra tang. Then your patty is piled high with pickles, grilled onions, and a healthy dose of In-N-Out's spread, which is basically like a variation on Thousand Island dressing, per Mashed. The hot burgers and onions mixed with the spread mean everything sort of melts together in the best way, and you're left with a little bit of a mess but a whole lot of satisfaction.
And it wouldn't truly be In-N-Out unless you could order your fries a little fancy, too. Ordering them well-done is a great first step to ensure they come a little extra crunchy, and maybe even splurge for extra salt, so they might more closely resemble the untouchable McDonald's french fry. If you want to go all out with animal style burger and fries, your fries will come with melted cheese, grilled onions, and of course the classic spread. You might need to ask for a fork to enjoy them, though!
Ultimate animal style
While the animal-style fries are pretty epic as they are, you can take things up one more notch if that's not quite enough for you. We're talking the ultimate animal-style fries, turning that side dish into a whole meal of its own. Ultimate animal style includes the aforementioned fries with grilled onions, cheese, and spread, plus a ground-up burger patty on top. You're hitting all the food groups with this one in a pretty delicious way.
If your local In-N-Out hasn't heard of this one, there are a few ways you can still order it, according to Hack the Menu. Similarly, the Flying Dutchman is another secret menu item that consists of two patties stuck together with melted cheese, and ordering animal-style fries plus the Dutchman (and ideally, a fork and knife) gives you all the ingredients you need to take your animal-style fries to the Ultimate level with a small amount of effort on your part.