The Insta-Complaint: How Social Media Is Changing The Hospitality Industry


By Stephen Zagor, Dean—School of Management and Business Studies


Have you ever stayed in a hotel where the service didn't meet your expectations? What did you do? If you're like many guests today, you probably pulled out your smart phone and immediately turned to Twitter, Facebook, Yelp or TripAdvisor to voice your complaints. For those of us who work in the hospitality industry, this is a marked change in guest relations. The tried-and-true standard of client services—when a client picks up the phone or even visits the front desk to seek resolution—is vanishing even faster than 24-hour hotel room service


It's no surprise that the instant gratification of online interactions have replaced the art of conversation and eye contact. But when in-person help is required, one has to wonder about the benefit of public complaints. Is it a helpful warning to future guests—the equivalent of flashing headlights to warn your fellow drivers of a hidden speed trap? Or is this just an exercise in heavy venting, a public flogging of the unfortunate hotel that provided less-than-perfect service?