Ikea's Moose Lasagna Recalled For Pork Meat
And the meat scandals continue: While this case may not involve horsemeat, Ikea has recalled some moose lasagna after discovering that pork meat has somehow infiltrated the product.
The Associated Press reports that the Swedish home goods store has recalled about 17,000 portions of moose lasagna from stores in Europe after a batch tested in Belgium showed traces of pork meat.
Earlier this year, Ikea recalled meatballs and other meat products after tests found traces of horsemeat.
These instances of mislabeling don't question the morality of eating horsemeat or pork, but rather showcase how product inspection has been letting quality slip; who knows what else might be in the lasagna (or the hot dogs)?
The company officially reported the recall this past Saturday, although the product was pulled off the shelves March 22 after a month on the market. Reports say the products were only 1.6 percent pork meat, and Ikea has placed the blame on its meat suppliers, which means its not the only retail giant to be selling mislabeled meat products. Lovely.