DIY Cheddar Bay Biscuit Bouquet

Nothing says "I love you" quite like a bouquet of roses, except for maybe a bouquet of biscuits. Yes, you read that correctly: a bouquet of biscuits. This Valentine's Day, give your love the gift they've always wanted, whether they realized it or not: buttery Cheddar Bay Biscuits from Red Lobster wrapped up like flowers. For several years now, the popular seafood restaurant has been selling Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix so fans can make the flaky, savory treats at home. Now, in just a few simple steps, these biscuits can be transformed into a Valentine's Day gift that's wonderfully unique.

If that isn't enough biscuit for you, head over to Red Lobster for Valentine's Day dinner. Red Lobster is running its beloved Lobsterfest now for a limited time, which includes its largest variety of lobster dishes (and of course plenty of those Cheddar Bay Biscuits).


1 piece of square red cardstock
1 package of square red napkins
1 package of wooden dowels of mixed sizes
1 Styrofoam cone
1 box of Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix
Optional: 1 package red paper crinkle


Make Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits as instructed by the box; let cool.
Push 3 thick wooden dowels into the Styrofoam cone, forming a triangle.
Push 3 thin wooden dowels into the Styrofoam cone, forming an upside-down triangle.
Wrap the piece of red cardstock around the Styrofoam cone, tape to hold.
Make 3 napkin roses using this YouTube video.
Push Cheddar Bay Biscuits onto thick wooden dowels.
Place napkin roses on to thinner dowels between Cheddar Bay Biscuits.
Fill empty spaces in bouquet with red paper crinkle.