Halloween Costumes All Kids Love
When you're a child, Halloween is a magical time. Not only do you get to eat a ton of Halloween candy, you get to carve pumpkins and watch "scary" Halloween movies. But best of all, you get to dress up. And the joy of being a parent during the Halloween season is getting to watch your kids experience the magic of Halloween in a similar way.
If your little one isn't old enough to make a decision about which costume to wear, you get the extra bonus of being able to choose a Halloween costume for them. And while they might not care much what they're supposed to be dressed as, you can bet they'll love these costumes for their comfort and warmth. Plus, you'll have a ton of fun photos to look back on!
This one is super inventive. If you have other kids in tow while trick-or-treating, put your baby in the carrier and create some carnival fare with a little felt, a bowtie, and yes, popcorn kernels.

Cotton Candy
Cotton balls, a cone, and some pink airbrushing; that's all it takes to go from a little girl to a sweet treat.

Peas and Carrots
Have two adorable kids to dress up? Try these cute, tasty costumes on for size!
