French Bistro Dinner Menu

This menu will transport you to a street-side table at one of Paris' finest bistros.


Cocktails and Nibbles:

Sundried Tomato Palmiers

From Your Homebased Mom

A savory twist on the sweet puff pastry favorite.


Union Square Cafe Bar Nuts

From Gonna Want Seconds

At Union Square Cafe, in New York City, these are served warm at the bar. Perfect to serve with an aperitif.


Kir Royale

From Married...with Dinner

An easy yet elegant cocktail to start off the evening. If you don't have cassis, you can substitute Chambord.



Main Dish:

Rack of Lamb with Basil Pistou Crust

From French Revolution Food

Coating the rack in a basil crust infuses the meat with flavor. You can also try using different herbs, like rosemary or mint, in the pistou.




Creamed Spinach

From StreamingGourmet

Healthy yet indulgent, this recipe includes gruyere cheese for added flavor.


Pommes Anna

From Gratinee

A simple yet delicious potato cake with an elegant presentation. For a crisp exterior, make sure to baste the cake with plenty of butter.




Flourless Chocolate Cake

From Gluten Free Goddess

Served with lightly sweetened whipped cream and fresh raspberries, this cake is a perfect way to end the meal.