5 Things You Should Never Feed Your Cat

Cats are notoriously finicky eaters. They turn their nose up at all but one brand of wet food, for instance, or simply refuse to eat altogether for mysterious cat reasons. But, in many ways, cats being picky eaters is a good thing. Foods that aren't specifically formulated for cats really shouldn't be fed to them,  and the list of foods that cats shouldn't eat is seemingly random. Here are five foods you should avoid feeding your cat.

It may make sense to open a can of tuna and feed it to the kitty (cats like fish, right?), but, in reality, even a small amount of canned tuna can upset a cat's stomach. If fed to cats regularly, it can cause a painful condition called steatitis.

While kittens need milk, and cats in cartoons often happily lap up a bowl of cream, most adult cats are lactose intolerant. Dairy products may cause diarrhea and vomiting.

A compound called theobromine is found in all forms of chocolate and is most concentrated in dark chocolate. Ingesting it can result in muscle tremors, arrhythmia, or seizures. Cats also shouldn't consume caffeine, which is present in chocolate: it can lead to restlessness, tremors, and palpitations.

Garlic and Onions
A small amount of garlic or onion won't cause damage, but if a cat consumes, say, a whole clove of garlic, then he or she may soon be suffering from some serious stomach issues. This applies to all members of the allium family, including onion, garlic, ramps, chives, scallions, shallots, and leeks.

Raw Fish
Raw fish contains thiaminase, which breaks down into thiamine, an essential B vitamin that's safe for humans but toxic to cats. It can cause convulsions and neurological problems.