Apple Cider Cocktail And Mocktail Recipes
Smartly composed drinks with complex flavors are everywhere and we couldn't be happier to showcase them, especially when we're challenged with a delicious theme: apple cider.
Cranberry Apple Cinnamon Martini
We can't resist a good flavored martini, especially when it's made with cider. This one has a nice seasonal kick to get you going.
Apple Cinnamon Spiced Margarita
Ah, the margarita: a classic that has been updated so many times in so many ways. This rendition, made with apples and cinnamon, is perfect for cocktail parties.
Hot Apple Jammy Recipe
This cocktail reminds us of a liquid version of apple pie. Who could ever resist that? No, really, who?
Fireball Cider Car Bomb
"Car bombs" are typically served around St. Patrick's Day, but they get a new seasonal spin with Fireball and cider.
Spiced and Sparkling Apple Cider
Celebrating the New Year with Champagne is traditional. Turn that tradition on its head by adding some spiced apple cider to your standard toast.
Apple Cider Mimosa
Ah, the mimosa: the quintessential brunch drink. We love this apple cider spin on this great staple morning sip.
Sparkling Apple Cider
Apple cider by itself is bright and yummy. Adding in some sparkling water makes for a bubbly (and healthy) twist.
Slow Cooker Apple Cranberry Cider
Anything that can be made in a slow cooker is ideal for cold weather; just add and let it simmer. Why should apple cider be left out of that treatment? We'll take two.
Cranberry Apple Spritzer
The big two flavors during the winter months are apple and cranberry. We love this spritzer, which showcases both perfectly in a refreshing way.
Apple Cider Float
Floats aren't exactly traditional during the winter months, but they're still a delicious treat, especially with apple cider.